Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How to Finish What You Start: Beating Procrastination

New Learning for Me!!

Or, an OLD lesson, re-learned!!

procrastination lesson

Are you someone who struggles with procrastination? Do you often find yourself putting off important tasks, only to feel the weight of stress and anxiety as deadlines approach? If so, you're certainly not alone.

In the video, a guide titled "7 Ways to Finish What You Start" was introduced, focusing on combating procrastination through actionable practices. The seven practices outlined in the guide are as follows:

- Plan with creativity

- Overcome your negative bias

- Visualize the spectacular outcome

- Hold yourself accountable

- Don't insist on perfection

- Enjoy the journey

- Assess your progress

I'm no stranger to the challenges of procrastination. It's all too easy to put off important tasks, only to be left feeling stressed and overwhelmed as deadlines loom closer. In my recent video I share a valuable lesson about overcoming procrastination, and it's a lesson that resonates with many of us.


The video introduced a guide titled "7 Ways to Finish What You Start," which focuses on actionable practices to combat procrastination. These practices include planning with creativity, overcoming negative bias, visualizing the outcome, holding oneself accountable, letting go of perfectionism, finding joy in the journey, and assessing progress.

Overcoming Negative Bias

Out of these practices, the concept of overcoming negative bias struck a chord with me. The video shared a personal experience of procrastinating on a daunting task, leading to months of unnecessary stress and financial impact. The turning point came when I decided to confront the task head-on, despite my initial negative assumptions about how difficult and uncomfortable it would be.

To my surprise, the task was far easier and more straightforward than anticipated, resulting in its resolution in a matter of minutes.

This experience served as a powerful reminder that negative biases often deceive us into thinking that tasks are more challenging than they truly are. By taking action and overcoming these biases, we can alleviate the unnecessary stress and burden that procrastination places on us.

The transparency about relearning this lesson served as a poignant reminder that overcoming procrastination is an ongoing journey. It highlighted the importance of continuously challenging ourselves to take action on the tasks we've been avoiding.

So, how can we apply this lesson to our own lives? Firstly, it's crucial to recognize when we're allowing negative biases to influence our approach to tasks. By acknowledging these biases, we can then consciously choose to confront the task despite our initial reservations. Additionally, the video emphasized the importance of taking action on something that we've been putting off, highlighting the relief and freedom that comes from resolving these tasks.

Valuable Lesson

Ultimately, the lesson learned from the experience shared was a valuable one. By overcoming negative biases and taking proactive steps to address tasks that we've been avoiding, we free ourselves from unnecessary stress and empower ourselves to move forward with confidence.

So the next time you catch yourself procrastinating on a task, remember this lesson. Challenge the negative assumptions, take action, and experience the liberation that comes from conquering procrastination.

Let's embrace the opportunity to finish what we start and make the most of each day. Take action on one thing you've been putting off and make it a great day.

Let's embrace the opportunity to finish what we start and make the most of each day. Take action on one thing you've been putting off and make it a great day.


Monday, October 14, 2024

5 Warning Signs That Your Project is Going to Be Derailed

Make Sure Your Project Does Not Get Derailed

When we get derailed or experience a major setback or failure, it always takes us by surprise. Sure, the going was a little rough but we just didn't see it coming. At least, that's what we think.

Getting derailed is serious. It could mean having to start all over again or worse, ditch a project altogether. It’s one of the main causes of not finishing what we start and if this happens often enough, our whole life course can be impacted.

But you can avoid derailment by being alert to the warning signs. That's right, a derailment shouldn’t come as a surprise because there are always red flags that indicate you're heading for big trouble.

Here are 5 key warning signs to be on the lookout for:

You're procrastinating too much

If you're constantly procrastinating rather than acting, it's a sure sign that something's wrong. Your loss of motivation causes you to procrastinate and this could be due to many reasons.

It's your job to quickly find out what they are.

Usually, a quick review of your goals and timeframes to ensure that they're realistic can resolve the issue. Make any modifications you need to, roll up your sleeves and get to work!

Take a look back at your vision. What are you building, why are you building it?? Vision can often get us back on track. If you don't have a vision, (the Vision Board Project is a great resource!!) it may be time to do some visioning. Write it down, make an image for it, revisit it every day. Vision can help re-inspire you and motivate you out of procrastination!

Work has to be redone

When work results are poor and have to be redone (whether you're responsible or others are to blame), this is a big red flag. It means you could be headed for that one big, irrevocable error that could completely derail you.

Usually, the reason is poor communication of task requirements or poor skills. Pinpoint what the problem is and take quick measures to fix it, and closely monitor work outcomes.

You're falling back on deadlines

Whether you're working to your own deadlines or have an assigned one, it doesn’t matter. Consistently falling behind is the biggest motivation-zapper of all. It could simply be due to unrealistic deadlines or goals, and these should be modified. Of course, if the goals are NOT unrealistic then modifying them is not the answer -- accountability and follow through may be needed.

It's important to assess what could be going on. Pinpointing the problem will allow you to quickly get back on track with your deadlines.

You lack motivation

The loss of motivation means mediocre or poor work outcomes, or even finding an excuse to quit altogether. Reflect on why you find the work at hand boring or frustrating.

Sometimes, injecting some enjoyment into a task or project can reignite your motivation. You can do this by mixing up your routine, changing your surroundings and finding new and creative ways to do things. Setting up a reward for work done each day and a bigger reward for the complete project. We do this in Accountability Coaching with daily rewards and bigger rewards.

You're making excuses to quit

When things get difficult, it's easy to find a dozen excuses for quitting – and having to admit defeat and failure is the worst kind of derailment because it destroys your self-confidence and self-discipline.

Learning to see obstacles as exciting challenges that you're totally capable of overcoming will kill your thoughts about quitting and keep you fired up. Shifting your mindset to seeing these as challenges puts you in a better place to finish what you start and overcome the challenges.

Stay Alert

Don't let derailment take you by surprise again and empower yourself to finish what you start with success and outstanding results. Stay alert to these 5 signs that you're getting derailed.

Recognizing the signs of derailment early on and addressing them can effectively keep you moving forward with your project.


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Learn To Set Boundaries And Start Saying No

Taking Time to Learn How to Set Boundaries is Good For YOU!!

personal boundaries

We all need to put boundaries between ourselves and other people because we need a certain amount of space in order to think clearly and act properly.

If you don't put up boundaries, people will abuse you and your kindness. You might even be forced to do things that go against your will and your beliefs simply because you didn't have boundaries in place. When this happens, you'll lose your self-respect and your self-esteem will come crashing down.

Personal Boundaries are important

Boundaries are hugely important when building your self-discipline. It protects you and it helps dictate how you want to be treated. It keeps you real and honest with yourself.

It will help you exude confidence whenever you tell someone no. When you have boundaries, you only have to say no once because more often than not, the person doing the asking will believe you the first time you say it.

You may not believe it but rejecting people is part of life. No matter what we do, we can't escape getting rejected by other people and you also will do your fair share of rejecting others too.

If you've always acquiesced to doing tasks you don't particularly enjoy, but you're too afraid of rejecting the person doing the asking, then you need to start practicing. Otherwise, it can get to an unhealthy point where you continue doing things that are counterproductive to goals you've set for yourself.

If you'd like to achieve your dreams and your goals within a specific time frame, then you'd need to start saying no to requests and tasks that do not align with your values and your goals and instead waste your time.

Saying no the right way

If you're afraid of hurting someone's feelings, don't. Because you cant control peoples emotions. You can, however, make sure you deliver your rejection in a humane manner. You can try explaining why you're saying no to make them understand your situation.

Also, try using a gentle tone when you deliver the bad news especially if other people are within hearing distance. Rejecting and embarrassing people at the same time is a very rude thing to do so avoid delivering your rejection in such manner.

Setting boundaries and learning to say no are important milestones for your self-discipline. If you really find it hard to say no, just keep in mind that the more you say no to others, the more you say yes to your own success.

- 4 Things You Can Do To Your Workspace to Encourage Self Care

- Personal Freedom Begins in Your Mind

- 3 Tips for Finding Your Purpose Later in Life

- Focusing on Your Own Personal Development: Take the Time

- Stop Thinking and Start Doing in 3 Steps https://bit.ly/4bepP8w

Repurposing Formats to Increase Your Audience

repurposing formats

Table of contents

- Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!
- Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles
- Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats
- Repurpose Your Content!!
- Monitor Results

Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!

Do you find yourself spending hours researching and creating content and when it finally goes live nothing?

You have created engaging material about topics your audience cares about, but the likes, shares, or comments are underwhelming.

The problem is not always the quality of the material itself, but it could be the format.

Do you understand WHERE your audience consumes their info?

Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles

People have different learning styles and preferred ways of consuming content. So, you need to look at how to accommodate that!!

Written: Written content including articles, eBooks, and blog posts appeals to people who prefer reading and have strong comprehension skills. Written content gives people the freedom to take in information at their own pace and easily refer back to sections they want to review.

Visual: Visual content like charts, diagrams, infographics, and videos appeal to learners who process information visually. For them, pictures and graphics make complex information more digestible, accessible, and memorable.

Audio: Audio content includes audiobooks, lectures, and podcasts, and it suits learners who take in information by listening. Its also useful for people who like to multi-task, tuning in while exercising or commuting.

Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats

Quickly review the last 10-15 pieces of content you have created. What percentage of your content is written, visual, video, or audio?

Lets say the majority of your marketing content is written, for example, blog posts, social posts, reports, eBooks etc. Various studies have shown that up to 65% of the general population are visual learners. If you do not accommodate this segment of your audience, you could end up losing them.

The solution?

Repurpose Your Content!!

Repurposing allows you to connect with more people, using content they enjoy consuming, across various platforms.

Repurposing is not simply about recycling content. Its about strategically transforming your content to cater to your audience and the different ways they consume content and learn. For example, you could transform a long-form blog post into an infographic, explainer video, or podcast episode, reaching your visual or auditory learners.

You can also repurpose to incorporate all mediums and learning styles, making sure each type is represented: written (a social post), visual (an infographic), and auditory (a podcast episode). Or, when you repurpose, combine 2 or more mediums in one piece, for example, add an infographic and audio snippet to a blog post.

Monitor Results

After you repurpose, monitor your engagement metrics: Which formats are getting more likes, shares, and comments? Are certain types of content driving more traffic to your website? Asking these questions will allow you to know your audience better and adjust your repurposing strategy as needed.

Learn more with my Content Repurposing Guide:

Want to connect with a broader audience through repurposing? Check out my course, Repurposing which teaches you the A to Z.

This guide will give you Quick Tips for creating a content marketing strategy.

Using your content only once is cumbersome. It means that you are constantly creating new content. But when you repurpose your content, then you are able to maximize its reach and its power.

Check it Out

Content Repurposing is central to an effective Content Marketing Strategy.

Can content be a marketing strategy? YES!! Definitely! Content educates your prospect, your leads about YOU, your organization and what you have to offer. It is a pre-seller to your services.

Content Repurposing Workshop


Values Alignment


As a leader, the values of the organization need to be a focus.  When you lead to your values, then you are walking your talk, practicing what you preach, and living those values.

Values Alignment Check

Doing a periodic values check is important. Are we in alignment with the values of the organization?  Do the values we have outlined still fit the organization? And, what do we need to do to be in alignment with the values of the organization?

Here at Compass Rose Consulting, we just recently been looking at our own values. But values alignment is something that has been important to me for a long time. It was included in my first business development program: Business Builders Intensive and is still a part of Business Growth CORE in the Womenpreneur's Resource Center.  It is important to look at.

When you are out of alignment with your values -- your staff notice and your customers notice.   Something doesn't feel right. They know it and it impacts them.

Our values alignment evaluation looks at:

What is the value? Name it:

How is it practiced across the organization?

For instance, I worked with an organization that worked with youth and taught that you needed to get a college education so that you would be fairly paid. And we hired people with college degrees to work with the youth. BUT, we did not pay a fair wage for the work done.  The values were out of alignment with the practice. I successfully changed that practice or at least improved it.

values alignment

When you do the values alignment, you are going through each value and making sure that you are walking your talk and practicing the value in all that you do.

Take a look at your values and how they are working in your business. Is there something that you need to shift or change?  Is there a way to practice them better?

Leave me your thoughts below and let me know how your business is doing on it's values alignment.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Building Your Marketing System

Why do you want and need a marketing system?

marketing system

When you build a marketing system that is YOURS, you KNOW that you have a way to increase your revenue easily and predictably.

A marketing system consistently:

- Brings new and qualified leads (future buyers) into your business

- Has a system for follow up and nurturing that helps YOU connect with your new leads and build the "know, like, trust" relationship

- Uses calls to action wisely to bring people into your customer base.

- Provides customer service that builds loyalty and repeat business.

- Works easily and reliably so that you know what to expect for your growth each week or month.

- Is trackable so that you can improve it when it is not working as well as you want or need it to.

So what does this really mean? Isn't all marketing the same?

There are definitely marketing concepts that work across businesses and industries that you should be implementing in your business. But they can look different for different companies.

For instance, if you are a local boutique you need local traffic into your store. Can the Internet or social media help with that? Definitely. But you also need signage on your storefront, local ads with calls to action.

The biggest mistake I see is that people focus on getting buyers and that doesn't work in a lot of industries. And the mistake is that they don't get the person's information or capture the lead! They have no way to follow up or continuing to build the relationship. The interaction is over.

This happens over and over. A business owner runs an ad -- sending the lead to their BUY NOW button and they don't buy, they bounce! But what if was a different call to action -- an optin where the first step was a really valuable item at a low cost or no cost. Then you have the opportunity to continue marketing and building the "know, like, trust."

So, whether you are a local shop or an online business -- lead capture is key. It has to be a part of your marketing system!!

Lead capture or optins are different from followers or connections. When you build your email list -- it is YOURS. When you have followers or connections or friends on a social media platform, they can definitely become buyers but they can also be taken away by the platform without your control. Moving people over to your email list is key.

What are the pieces of the marketing system?

- Being clear on your target market -- who are you marketing to?

- Lead capture -- having a way of capturing the information when someone connects with you.

- Follow-up - they say the money is in the follow-up and so many miss this opportunity to continue connecting.

- Presenting valuable offers -- when you have done a good job of connecting with your target market, your service should be valuable to them. Building good offers that provide a ton of value are the offers that people will be interested in.

- Loyalty -- everything you are doing up to this step is geared to help you in building loyalty. If you don't have a good follow up system, you will lose customers and they won't come back, because you are not telling them what you have to offer to them.

When you build YOUR system, you have the ability to predict your results. You can turn it on and off. Or up and down based on what you can handle.

When you have a working sales and marketing system -- you can look at HOW to scale your business!! That's exciting! Not everyone is doing that, because not everyone is building a system for their sales and marketing. If there is only one system that you are going to build in your business -- this is the one!!


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Harnessing the Power of AI in Your Business

Ai in your business

๐Ÿš€ Unlock the Future of Marketing with AI! ๐Ÿค–

Discover how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the world of business marketing. In our latest blog post, we delve into the transformative power of AI, offering you insights into:

✅ Personalization through AI - Tailor your marketing to every customer.
✅ Predictive Analytics - Stay ahead with AI-driven market forecasts.
✅ Automated Support - Efficiently manage customer interactions with AI.
✅ Content Optimization - Craft strategies that truly resonate.
✅ Real-Time Ad Campaigns - Maximize ROI with AI's dynamic adjustments.

But, it's not all smooth sailing! ๐ŸŒŠ Understand the challenges:
๐Ÿ”’ Data Security Concerns
๐Ÿ” Algorithm Bias
๐Ÿคน‍♀️ The Balance of AI and Human Oversight
๐Ÿ”ง Integration and Complexity of Data

AI in marketing holds immense potential but comes with its set of risks. Be informed and prepared to harness its power for your business success. ๐Ÿ’ก

Read our full article for a comprehensive guide: ๐Ÿ”—

#AIinMarketing #BusinessGrowth #DigitalTransformation #CompassRoseConsulting


Top 5 Tips to Add Value to Your Repurposed Content

Repurposing Saves You Time and Money.

Don't let it be overwhelming!!

repurpose content

You’ve heard it said numerous times: repurposing content isn’t simply a matter of recycling – you’re not just taking the original content and pasting it into new formats, in different mediums, on different platforms. For example, if you’re repurposing a blog post into a social media post, it’s not enough to cut and paste a paragraph from the blog and call it a day.

You must tailor and tweak the content to suit different media and audience preferences. You are transforming content, not duplicating it. You need to add value.

But how can you make the repurposed content distinctive, unique, and valuable without spending hours recreating it? After all, isn’t repurposing supposed to save you time and resources?

You don’t need to do a complete redesign or rewrite. Here’s how to add value to your repurposed content without reinventing the wheel.

 1. Tailor to the Medium and Audience

Every medium, whether it’s audio, video, visual, or interactive has its own distinct characteristics. Tailor your repurposed content to that medium and its audience. For a video, incorporate a live demonstration to simplify complex ideas or processes. When developing an infographic, break down the essence of the core content into five key visual points. If you’re creating a podcast episode out of existing content, focus on the key points and deliver it in a conversational manner, or, think of questions you can ask your guest that will naturally expand upon the topic.

 2.  Add Fresh Insights

Your original content may have been published a while ago: incorporating a fresh perspective or new insight is an effective way to rejuvenate old material. Add information about the latest industry trends, the launch of a relevant product, or the results of a recent study. By doing this, you’ll add value to the original material, keeping your content current and useful.

 3. Integrate Examples and Case Studies

Examples and case studies enrich your repurposed content, supporting your claims and explaining your concepts. For example, if your original content offers productivity tips, in your repurposed material, add a case study illustrating how the techniques made a difference in a client’s work life. It backs up your material and provides your audience with a tangible, real-world application.

 4. Incorporate Data

When repurposing your content, insert relevant data that supports your content. For example, if your original piece is about social media trends, add the latest statistics or a chart that shows growth over time. Visual representations of data are easier to digest and understand. Adding data is especially powerful when transforming written content into a visual piece, like an infographic or video.

 5. Edit and Improve

The final way you can add value to your repurposed content is simply improving it. When we complete content, there’s always something we wish we had tweaked or refined the minute we click publish. When you repurpose into different formats, this is your opportunity to make those changes. An explanation that wasn’t quite right, examples that could illustrate your point more clearly, or even the style or tone. Take the time to fix the things you weren’t 100% pleased with in the original content.

Want to learn more about how you can improve YOUR content? Head over here:


Discover the Key Steps to Effective Leadership

Embracing Leadership: 12 Steps to Being the Leader of Your Life and Business

effective leadership

Effective Leadership is a crucial aspect of both personal and professional growth. In the journey of entrepreneurship, we are not just business owners but also leaders of our own lives. Donna Price, an expert in personal and business development, shares essential insights from her book, "Launching Your Dreams: Making Wild Ideas Happen," outlining 12 steps to be the leader of your life and business.

1. Start with Vision

Creating a clear and compelling vision of the future is the cornerstone of effective leadership. It's about knowing where you're going and what the big picture looks like. The vision serves as the guiding star, inspiring and steering efforts, be it in personal aspirations or business objectives.

2. Be the Leader

Acknowledging oneself as the captain and driver of your life and vision is pivotal. Taking ownership of your dreams and goals empowers you to lead the way and stay committed to the journey, despite the challenges that may arise.

3. Chart Your Vision

Developing a strategic plan, akin to creating a map, is crucial for achieving your vision. Whether in business or personal life, strategizing acts as a roadmap to your envisioned destination. It outlines the actions and steps required to reach your goals, providing a sense of direction and purpose.

4. Stay Focused on the Horizon

Amidst the daily grind, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Staying focused on the horizon means consistently aligning your efforts with your vision. This ensures that short-term distractions or obstacles do not veer you off course from your long-term aspirations.

5. Use Your Compass

Just as a compass guides a ship, values serve as the compass for our lives. Identifying and aligning with your core values ensures that every decision and action you take is in harmony with what truly matters to you. It's about living and leading authentically, anchored in your own values.

6. Keep a Ship's Log

Accountability is vital in leadership. By maintaining a log of your accomplishments and actions, you create a record of progress. This not only keeps you motivated and inspired but also serves as a testament to your growth and dedication over time.

7. Share Your Vision

Sharing your vision with others not only strengthens your commitment but also opens doors to collaboration and support. By articulating your dreams, you invite others to contribute, offer resources, and provide valuable insights, enriching the journey with shared experiences and knowledge.

8. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful leadership. Regularly sharing your vision, listening to feedback, and maintaining transparent communication with your team, clients, and stakeholders is essential for fostering understanding, alignment, and synergy.

9. Mastermind

Creating an advisory council or board can provide valuable external perspectives and guidance. Whether in the form of a business advisory board or personal mentors, seeking insights from trusted individuals can offer fresh perspectives, challenge assumptions, and catalyze growth in your leadership journey.

10. Hold the Vision

Integrity in leadership means staying true to your vision, despite the obstacles. This involves not succumbing to negative voices, be it internal self-doubt or external naysayers. Believing in your vision and persevering through challenges is integral to successful leadership.

11. Celebrating Your Leadership

Recognizing and celebrating your achievements is crucial. As a leader, acknowledging the efforts and contributions of your team is equally important. Sharing credit and expressing gratitude for the collective journey reinforces a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and appreciation.

The 12 steps to being the leader of your life or business offer a comprehensive roadmap for nurturing effective leadership.

Embracing these principles can empower individuals and entrepreneurs to not only envision their dreams but also lead others in achieving collective success. By staying true to the vision, fostering strong communication, and embracing accountability, one can pave the way for personal and professional growth, embarking on a fulfilling journey guided by purpose and aspiration.

https://youtube.com/live/N1VKBg2qIw0 https://bit.ly/4aGtVVh

Monday, October 07, 2024

Working From Home: 4 Pitfalls

Pitfalls To Watch Out For When Working From Home

Working At Home

There's no denying that working from home offers many advantages, but it is a change for many right now. And it can be challenging.

Working from home can be the ultimate freedom you get to set your own hours, working when, where and how you want. But in this time, it might be more structured with work times. team meetings etc.

However, there are also a number of potential pitfalls you need to be aware of, and watch out for, or you'll risk turning your home-based job into an unproductive nightmare.

1. Failing to keep business and private life separate

This is one of the most common issues for people who work from home, especially those who are self-employed. I'm writing this on Saturday!! Proves my point.....

When the home office is right there, it can be hard to stay away even if you should really be off work for the day. Before you know it, you'll have spent another few hours of your precious weekend on work. This is the fast track to burning out, and something you must learn to avoid if you want to be successful working from home.

2. Not planning your work

This mostly applies to people who are self-employed and may not have a boss telling them what to do every day. When you're working on your own projects, planning is an absolute must. If the first thing you ask yourself when you start your day is: Okay, what am I going to do today?, then you're setting yourself up for failure.

It's much better to plan out the next day before you go off work in the evening, so you're ready to get started first thing in the morning.

3. Working from home, at irregular times

When you're free to set your own hours, it doesn't mean that you should only work whenever you feel like it. Chances are after a few months that you'll rarely feel like it at all, especially when there are so many fun distractions around the house.

That's why it's better to try to stick to working the same hours every day, even if it might resemble a real job a bit too much for your liking. You can always take breaks during the day if you need to recharge, but try to at least go into your office around the same time if you want productivity levels to stay high.

4. Not getting out of the house regularly

When you work from home there is usually very little motivation to go outside. You've got everything you need at home anyway, right? That's true, but after a whole week you'll most likely be feeling isolated and lonely, and that's perfectly normal.

That's why it's so important to make time for little things like grabbing lunch with a friend - something as simple as that can really boost your energy and make your working week easier and less lonely. Especially now, so take a walk everyday.  Take a bike ride.


Learn How to Track Your Numbers

Learn How to Track Your Numbers

in your list building campaign learning how to track your Numbers.... Key

Focusing on a successful list building campaign, you need to track your marketing strategy multiple times to glean more information.

You will be unable to boost your conversion until you track your campaigns. To test and track your campaign, you need understand the idea. You need to track your programs and tactics, messages, contact frequency and spending levels to optimize your marketing strategy. Otherwise you are doing HOPE MARKETING and hoping it will work! Numbers tell you if it is or it is not.

Testing and tracking can increase your ROI.

By tracking your campaigns, you will be able to know which campaign bring more traffic toward your website. You can also know from where your visitors are coming to your website such as advertisement, Search engine optimization, social media, blogs etc. By adding tracking code on every page of your website, you can get to know the page visits of visitors that don't converted into your subscribers.

Mainly you need to track for optimizing your campaign, your results.

Number of MQLs (marketing qualified leads): Remember the quotes the money is in the list, you need to add quality leads in your list and eliminate bad leads from it.

Cost per MQL (marketing qualified leads): if you using list building for your marketing campaign. Be sure you are maximizing your leads and minimizing the cost per qualified leads. If you have a list of unqualified leads or not good leads, the size of that list is irrelevant. You can have a HUGE list that costs you money and does not make you a dime. It is worthless.

Cost per Sales or Accepted Opportunity: Examine all of the money spent and the resulting sales or accepted opportunity very carefully over a defined time period. You can have opt-ins for your free offer that later convert to your paid offer. You need this information to determine if the investment in the sales campaign for the free offer converts enough people to the paid offer.

First-Touch ROI (by program): The basic job of a list building marketer is to decide which particular campaign to be used. Your main objective should be to get the highest ROI for your business.

Multi-Touch ROI (by program): Some programs look to be result oriented as compared to the other available. They might not give the desired output in the first impression. Be very careful in deciding which particular campaigns you need to follow. However it does not mean they will not give results in the long run. So, don't stop using them immediately.

You need to find-out which marketing tools works best for your list building campaign. Google AdWords? Webinars? Trade shows? Facebook Ads? LinkedIn Ads? Instagram Ads? Facebook LIVES .....To find out you need to track each campaign.

Campaign Source: You need to recognize and track your lead sources so you can optimize your ROI through your sales funnel. This means you need to understand where the lead is coming from and track the campaigns so that you can make this determination. Yes, everyone might end up on the same list. But YOU need to know if the Facebook Ads campaign has a different conversion rate from the Google Ads....and look at your spend for each campaign in comparison to your results.

Campaign Name: It enables you to distinguish among various campaigns to test different advertisements.

Campaign Medium: It defines the web pages or ads from where the visitors are redirected to your website such as pay-per-click, banner ad or email, search engine etc.

Tracking list history and sales funnel can optimize your business revenue. You can also test report and dashboards by having a clear idea of your funnel and stages according to leads, closed deals and revenue. You can segment your list on the basis of demographics, interest, and product to measure your success.

You can keep rectify your tactics time to time to get better results. You should measure your user responds such as automatic updates, individual manual updates and mass updates. Keep tracking of your opt-in rate, unique open rate, click thorough rate, email deliver success rate, subscribers, unsubscribes and lead conversions to evaluate your list building campaign.


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Womenpreneur's Field Guide

Womenpreneur's Field Guide

๐Ÿš€ Elevate Your Business with the Womenpreneur’s Field Guide!

๐ŸŒŸ Are you a woman entrepreneur seeking to unlock the full potential of your business? Look no further than the Womenpreneur’s Field Guide! This comprehensive guide, expertly crafted by Donna Lynn Price, CEO of Compass Rose Consulting, offers a wealth of strategies and frameworks designed to boost your business growth.

๐Ÿ”‘ Discover the EIGHT Business Growth Keys, vital for transforming your business. These keys, along with the four pillars of success — leadership, marketing, operations, and your products and services — are the cornerstone of building a thriving business.

๐Ÿ’ก Dive into insightful categories like Business Growth and Marketing Strategy, tailored to empower women entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to excel in their venture.

๐Ÿ“š What’s more? The guide is completely FREE! Gain immediate access to invaluable resources such as the full guide, learning the 8 Business Growth Keys, and tips on increasing profits.

๐ŸŒ Being a part of the Womenpreneur’s Resource Center grants you full access to this report along with many other courses and resources, offering an integrated approach to business.

๐ŸŽ Bonus materials include 5 Traffic Strategies, a Communications Plan, Generating New Business Leads, 50 Ways to Develop Content, and strategies for Fulfilling Your Purpose. These bonuses are designed to enhance your business acumen and strategic plan.

๐Ÿ“ˆ Additionally, the Womenpreneur’s Success Path includes weekly training sessions covering a range of essential topics such as list building, solving sales and marketing problems, network building, leveraging AI, and much more. These sessions are structured to guide you on a path of continuous learning.

๐Ÿ”— Unlock Your Business Potential Today

Join now and embark on a journey to transform your business and elevate your entrepreneurial success!

#WomenpreneurFieldGuide #BusinessGrowth #MarketingStrategy #EntrepreneurSuccess #FreeBusinessResource ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ผ๐Ÿ“ˆ


Saturday, October 05, 2024

Your Membership Site Startup Checklist

Your Membership Site Startup Checklist

Starting a membership site is easier than you think. Although there are a lot of requirements involved, you can breeze through them all with this simple checklist. Once you get through this list you'll be in prime position to launch your own membership site and start gathering a consistent monthly income from your site.

Domain name

Your first step is to get a domain name. Use the most popular keywords in your niche and add a community-oriented suffix like club, group or team. For example, your weight loss membership site could be hosted at www.loseweightclub.com. Using keywords can help with search results. Or you can include it on your website and point the domain to the website.


Your website design will have a big impact on how your members use your website and how often they come back. You'll need a welcome page, a blog, a member's area and/or course area and perhaps a forum, depending on the nature of your membership site..

Sales Process or Funnel

Your sales process or funnel should guide prospects through a meaningful sales process. It may be a sales letter that should convince visitors why they should join your membership site. It may also be a Webinar with a powerful call to action at the end that sends the person to your shopping cart with a program summary. Some would consider it to be the most important part of your business because it gets people in through the door. The sales process needs to emphasize the benefits of your membership site as well as mentioning the features. By the time you have guided people through your process, they should be ready to say: "Hell Yeah!!"; you'll make the decision easy for them.

Order Processor or Shopping Cart

You won't make any money with your membership site unless you have this set up properly. While many people use Paypal, Stripe or another credit card processor, to process their monthly subscriptions, you will need the technology to facilitate this. I use LifterLMS as my Wordpress plugin for my site and I use it's built in shopping care along with Stripe. There are also options such as WooCommerce, ThriveCart, 1ShoppingCart and more. If you are hosting on a membership platform such as Teachable, or GoHighLevel, then you will set up their system and probably connect it to Stripe or Paypal.

Membership Site Script, Plugin or Host

A membership site script or plugin will keep your website secure. The script/plugin will build a registration form into your site, which will allow paying members to sign up and access the site. It will also keep visitors from accessing your content without paying. Thanks to membership site plugins/scripts you don't have to hire a coder to set up a custom script for you. You can also host on a learning platform such as Teachable, Udemy etc.

Email Autoresponder program

You'll want to keep in touch with your members and let them know what is going on inside of the site. Using an autoresponder e-mail list is a great way to keep people active in the site. You can send out a new message each time there is a content update, or you can e-mail a weekly newsletter. Place an opt in box on the welcome page that members get to after they've successfully subscribed.

Startup Content

Before you launch your site, you should have several articles, reports and other forms of content available for your members to enjoy. If you plan on having a certain amount of updates per month, you should have at least twice as much content when you start. This way the members know that theyll be getting quality from you in the future. Write the content yourself or have a ghostwriter do it for you.

Editorial Schedule

Just like traditional newspapers, your membership site needs an editorial calendar. You dont want to scramble around each month trying to get your content together. Plan ahead at least a few months of content and get it prepared before you need to post it.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to promote your membership site and start earning monthly income.

Pick up more checklists, guides, trainings, templates and a Workshop on how to build your membership site or program!!

Micro-Memberships gets you started on exploring the viability of building a membership program in your business.

In addition to video training and workshop, you will have access to guides, checklists, templates and additional resources to help you make your program profitable.

Join Micro-Memberships Today!!

5 Reasons You Should Start Your Membership Site

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Table of contents

- 1. Regular monthly recurring revenue.

- 2. Affiliates promoting for you

- 3. Particular niche prominence

- 4. Backend sales possibilities

- 5. It's never been simpler!

membership site

Membership sites are one of the most effective online business models that you can make use of. There are lots of different kinds of subscription sites that you could start so there's no reason why you should not make them part of your Web marketing strategy and your business revenue strategy.

The power of a membership or continuity program is amazing. Here are several reasons it can make sense.

It fits into several of the profitability accelerators for increasing your revenue.

1. Regular monthly recurring revenue.

When you construct a membership site you'll have ONE HUNDRED, 200 or also 500 members paying you on a monthly basis for your information. If you supply even more material as well as ask for a greater price for your subscription site, you can be gaining well over 6 numbers a year for your website.

2. Affiliates promoting for you

Affiliates love membership websites. They are going to invest their time promoting the membership site if they have a choice in between repeating month-to-month earnings and a one-time ebook sale or product sale in the exact same particular niche. They are searching for the very same sort of repeating earnings that you are. You can quickly set up your associate program via Clickbank, 2checkout or ThriveCart. Here at Compass Rose Consulting, we use Advertise your associate program to your members as well as extremely affiliates to obtain more sales.

Join our Affiliate Program HERE When you are an affiliate, you can promote others programs and earn significant income. When you have an affiliate program, others promote YOU.

3. Particular niche prominence

Within the entrances of your subscription site, you could provide a large selection of content. The even more content you put into your subscription site and the even more participants you have, the a lot more your content and your referrals will certainly be appreciated within the specific niche. There's no faster way to brand name on your own as a specialist within your niche compared to by producing a subscription website.

4. Backend sales possibilities

The revenue from a membership website does not quit with the regular monthly subscription charges. You can likewise repackage component of the material made use of in your membership website as well as market it as an independent product.

5. It's never been simpler!

It has never ever been much easier to run a subscription website, specifically if you don't have any technical knowledge. It made use of to be that you would require the aid of a web programmer to obtain a subscription site set up correctly. Thanks to very easy to make use of material administration systems like Wordpress and also membership website scripts that will make protection simple, you could have your subscription website established within a concern of hours. There's no reason why you should not begin one today. (check out our course on creating your membership site!!)

If you offer even more content as well as bill a higher rate for your subscription site, you could possibly be making well over 6 figures per year for your site and increase your revenue in other streams as well.

Brainstorm the valuable information your customers or clients ask you questions about. This is a great starting point.

Leave your ideas below for growing your business with a membership site and I will gladly comment on them and let you know what I think!!


The Gratitude Project

The Gratitude Project

๐ŸŒŸ Discover the Power of Gratitude with The Gratitude Project!

๐Ÿƒ Are you ready to embrace a life-changing attitude? "The Gratitude Project" offers a unique opportunity to transform your perspective through the power of gratitude. This course is not just about learning; it's about experiencing a profound shift in mindset.

๐Ÿ“˜ Dive deep into the world of gratitude. The course provides a comprehensive package including a workbook, video, eBook, and specially designed gratitude exercises. These resources are crafted to help you understand and practice gratitude in your daily life, leading to lasting positive changes.

๐Ÿ’ซ Gain full access to this transformative course, including journals and the Gratitude Challenge, designed to make gratitude a natural part of your life. And there's great news for members of the Womenpreneur’s Resource Center — access is absolutely FREE!

๐Ÿ”ฅ This journey is more than just a course; it's a pathway to a more fulfilled and joyful life. The Gratitude Project is your stepping stone to a mindset where gratitude is not just an occasional practice but a continuous, enriching habit.

๐Ÿ”— [Enroll in The Gratitude Project Today](https://compassroseconsulting.com/course/gratitude-project) and start your transformative journey. Witness how the simple yet powerful practice of gratitude can revolutionize your outlook, relationships, and overall well-being.

#GratitudeProject #TransformYourLife #AttitudeOfGratitude #PersonalGrowthJourney #Mindfulness #LiveWithJoy ๐ŸŒˆ✨


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Do you have a strategy for that?

strategic thinking

๐ŸŒŸ Uncover the secrets to successful strategic marketing with Donna Price from Compass Rose Consulting in our newest video, "Do you have a strategy for that?" Gain valuable insights into the importance of thinking strategically and creating a solid plan for your business's success.

Learn how to align your day-to-day tactics with your overarching vision and values to propel your business forward. Check out the video now and head to our blog for even more in-depth information on strategic marketing framework. Don't miss out on this game-changing advice!

#StrategicMarketing #BusinessStrategy #CompassRoseConsulting #WomenpreneursResourceCenter #BusinessGrowthCoach #NJBusinessCoach๐Ÿš€


Tuesday, October 01, 2024

10 Ways to Increase Business Bottom Line

boost bottom line

As an entrepreneur, if you're facing challenges in boosting your business' bottom line, it's essential to adapt and evolve your strategies.

Here's an updated guide to help you navigate these challenges:

- Prioritize Customer Service: Your customers are crucial to your success. Ensure that your team is trained to deliver exceptional service. Satisfied customers are likely to return and recommend your business to others.

- Innovate in Marketing: You don't need a huge budget to market effectively. Focus on unique, creative approaches that stand out. Utilize cost-effective digital marketing strategies like social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) to reach a wider audience.

- Manage Finances Wisely: Avoid overspending on non-essential items. Reinvest profits into your business wisely, and postpone luxury expenditures until your business is more stable.

- Gather Customer Feedback: Regular feedback helps you understand customer needs and improve your offerings. Address negative feedback promptly to show customers that their opinions matter.

- Offer Incentives: Strategic discounts and promotions can attract customers but use them judiciously. Ensure that these offers still yield a profit and don't devalue your products or services.

- Create Compelling Offers: Design offers that are irresistible yet profitable. Bundle products or services with bonuses that address customer hesitations and enhance value.

- Utilize Traditional Promotion Methods: Don't overlook traditional methods like word-of-mouth, referrals, press releases, and networking. These can be cost-effective and powerful, especially in local markets.

- Save for Stability: Allocating a portion of your income for savings can provide a safety net during tough times. This financial cushion can be invaluable for both personal and business stability.

- Embrace Digital Marketing: Develop a comprehensive online marketing strategy. This should include a strong presence on social media, engaging video content, and a website optimized for search engines. Implement data capture and follow-up systems to build relationships with your audience.

- Adopt a Data-Driven Approach: Use analytics to guide your decisions. Understanding consumer behavior, market trends, and the effectiveness of your marketing strategies through data can greatly improve your decision-making process.

By implementing these updated strategies, you can create a more resilient, adaptable, and customer-focused business that's better equipped to grow its bottom line in the ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape.


Do YOU Have a Marketing Plan OR Are You JUST Winging It?

marketing plan

Are You Winging it? OR Do you have a solid marketing plan?

Do you have a solid business plan? Marketing plan? Strategic plan? Or are you winging it and hoping?

Creating a plan and sticking to it can improve your results. A plan becomes your blueprint for success. We most often see small businesses winging it, because business development is not their knowledge base. They are wonderful at their craft, but creating a plan and living that plan is not in their 'wheel-house'.

Developing solid strategies and tracking those strategies gives you the real world information that you need to move your business forward in a predictable and reliable way.

This is especially true for your marketing. You need to have a Marketing Plan....

Marketing isn't simple. To do it right, it requires a great deal of planning. Small businesses without massive marketing budgets have to handle this aspect of their business themselves or outsource in an affordable way. To do this effectively, either way it should be part of YOUR plan and not just a hope.

This is why businesses create a marketing plan. A marketing plan is a detailed document that includes the data you need to make marketing decisions and set a course of action that you can implement immediately. Drafting a marketing plan takes a great deal of time and work, but in the end, the benefits to having a plan are worth the effort that you have put into it.

Here are a few questions to get you started.

Who Is Your Target Market?

If you're already selling, take a look at your existing customers. Who are they? What do they like about your company's products? Try to recall any positive feedback you've gotten from them. Naturally, if your brand resonates with these individuals, it will resonate with others like them.

It sounds simple but so many business owners tell us that EVERYONE is their ideal customer or ANYONE is their ideal. Defining your true customers is an exercise that is worth your time. It directly IMPACTS your marketing strategies and tactics.

If you don't already have customers, defining your target market may take a bit more work. Look at companies that offer similar products to yours. Who is buying from them? Who could benefit from your products? Try doing some market research to glean some idea of who your target market is.d

What Makes Your Products or Services Unique? Why You? How Do You Stand Out?

There are bound to be other companies out there selling goods or services similar to yours. So, what makes yours different? Why would someone buy from you and not another company? Think about it for yourself, why do you buy from one company instead of another? Is it the product or the customer service, the location? There is always something that causes the person to hit that BUY button.

If the unique qualities of your products don't come to mind immediately, some work needs to be done. Do some soul searching and look for the strengths of your products. Write down everything that you love about your product/service. Include what you have heard from your customers.

If, in the end, you find that your product unfortunately resembles basically everything else on the market, how can you differentiate it to make it unique?

What Do You Want Your Marketing to Achieve?

Every business takes for granted that it needs to market, but why? The 'why' is critical. You need to identify exactly what you hope to achieve through your marketing because this will guide all of your efforts and help you choose which tactics are most appropriate.

Are you trying to build your email list?
Do you want buyers directly on your website?
Is your marketing for new leads?
WHAT is a critical question.

Once you know who your target market is, what's unique about your product or service, and what you want to get out of your marketing efforts, you're ready to get started with your marketing plan.

Winging it in business is most often not a good strategy. Spending money on marketing with HOPE that it will work is a waste of money. If you are like most small businesses you do not have money to waste.


Monday, September 30, 2024

How Content Repurposing Can Save YOU!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Content Repurposing Just Makes Sense!

Using your content in multiple ways can save you time as well as money and help you to reach more people on different platforms.  This article will demo the effectiveness of the strategy.  Here I have an infographic, I am writing an article to go with the infographic, I will also upload a video of the infographic.

The infographic makes the article more appealing because there is a visual, so if you don't want to read the article, you can just look at the infographic.  The video takes the information and makes it so you don't even have read the article or look at the infographic.

But the other thing that happens is that now, I can distribute the content on different platforms.  The article alone isn't useful on Pinterest or Instagram, but the infographic takes the information to those platforms.  The video is helpful on each platform, and gives me the ability to share the content on Youtube and other video platforms.

The blog is the hub that it all starts on and points back to and then there are some links that point across platforms as well. Content repurposing grows out of your blog...

Of course there are a few other things that can be done with the content as well.  I can spin the article and distribute to article marketing sites, I can add the infographic and article to LinkedIn and publish it there.  I can create a slideshow to distribute to slideshow sites.... and each of these again brings traffic back to the hub of it all -- the website (or blog).

Content repurposing can take one article and move it out onto the internet in multiple ways... and I am not doing them all.  I could take it further and create a podcast, an audio, a webinar, a hangout and the list goes on and on.  All from one article -- turned infographic-- turned video--audio--pdf--slideshow....

When you take the time to use your content strategically, you are using in multiple ways.  You are content repurposing and maximizing your time and resources.

Content repurposing just makes sense for marketers but even more so for small business owners because it is time consuming to develop good content and then to use it only once is a waste.

Check out this article about content repurposing

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Debunking Myths: Unlock the Potential of Membership Sites

Membership Sites and the Myths Behind Them

Right now, the buzz is all about membership sites and programs, shining as a beacon for entrepreneurs seeking lucrative revenue streams. Yet, amidst this excitement, persistent myths cloud the true potential of this strategy, potentially holding you back from unlocking a significant income source.

Membership Site Myth #1:

Let's bust a common myth: the notion that you must be a seasoned expert in your membership site's focus area. This couldn't be further from the truth. Imagine leveraging expertly crafted books, workbooks, checklists, videos and webinars created by others to enrich your site, without the pressure of being the expert yourself. (Of course, you often need to have permission or license to use many materials. So be sure that you check on that first!!)

Membership Site Myth # 2:

Another myth that needs dispelling is the idea of endless content creation. The reality is, membership sites often thrive on a fixed-term model, offering a structured course with a clear start and end. This approach means your content, once created, serves many cycles of members with minimal updates needed, making it an efficient and popular choice.

Membership Site Myth # 3:

And then there's the fear of "too much content" causing paralysis. The truth is, a successful membership site balances quality and quantity perfectly, catering to your audience's needs without the pressure of perfectionism or the myth of endless content creation.

Membership Site Reality:

Membership sites do require effort, like any venture, but the beauty lies in their potential to generate a steady income stream with minimal ongoing work. It's time to cast aside these myths and embrace the opportunity.

Embark on your journey with our Club Building course, designed to guide you through the process of creating, launching, and growing a successful membership site. Say goodbye to myths and hello to a rewarding membership model that works for you.

Join us and unlock the door to recurring revenue and the freedom it brings. Let's get started!

More Ideas for Your Membership Site:

- Your Weekly To Do List For Your Membership Program

- 5 Reasons You Should Start Your Membership Site

- 4 Passive Income Strategies That Work

- Top 10 Ways to Promote Any Membership Program

- List Building is a Top Business Growth Strategy!
