Monday, April 07, 2008

We Sold Our House!

Last Friday we sat with lawyers and our buyer and sold our house. It's been a long drawn out process of over 16 months on the market. We bravely bought a new house in August and moved. Confident that we would sell. Throughout nervous that we wouldn't and constantly listening to the news and the "crumbling housing market". I have often wondered how the Law of Attraction played into the whole thing. I am a skeptical believer in the Law of Attraction. I struggle with the concept and continue to read about it to try and figure it out. But, I do believe that the media has contributed to the economy that we are seeing. If you believe in the Law of Attraction then all of the negative talk about the economy and the housing market is creating just that a negative economy and a negative housing market. We see this played out over and over. There are leaders like the Fed Chairman that know when they speak, what they say directly affects the economy. So, if this is so clearly known what would happen if they were to talk differently, talk more positively, highlight the positive aspects of the economy?

In looking at the affect of negative talk on the country's economy and relating it to the Law of Attraction I began also looking at myself and my personal economy. Part of what I have learned is the believing in the vision, writing it down "as if" it is happening now. Going and test driving the car, getting the FEELINGS of it. I have done all of that and at the same time in my head and my heart been saying "Yeah, BUT, the reality is: we don't have the money to pay the bills; or, our debt is too high; or we aren't going to be able to.... " and my negative talk goes on and on, based in "reality", just like the country, the FED, the media.

Ah haa! It's one of those ah haa moments; where lights go on in your head, bells ring and you shout: "OH, I GET IT!!" I am creating that personal negative economy just by continuing to hold that energy, stay in that thought pattern. The mindset that it's "reality" isn't helping me to change it, it is keeping me right there in it.

How do you stay in the positive flow? Just like everything else in life: PRACTICE.

This is what I have learned:
  • Meditate regularly (each day, and practice being in the flow)
  • Create a meditation CD or Audio if that is helpful.
  • Journal -- I keep what I call a passion journal -- accomplishments, gratitude and intentions
  • Stay connected to the vision, write and read it.
  • When I get distracted by the negative talk that is mine, acknowledge it, take a breath, hold my hands on my heart and breathe in the positive flow
  • Read my vision again if I am really stuck in the negative talk
  • Have faith and believe.
Positive energy builds more positive energy. It is the flow of creativity and the connection to the universe.

What do you do to stay in the flow?