Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Earth Day Marketing

Are you passionate about Earth Day?  Do you use that passion in your marketing?

This past Saturday was Earth Day.  I was outside at the bike event.  But I realized that I missed an opportunity to share the ways that I celebrate the earth within my business!! AND, I wanted to share with YOU that you can use these things within your marketing.

Acknowledging events or days such as Earth Day can benefit your business.  It can be another way for people to connect with you, be impressed with the steps that you take to care for the earth and increase your attraction factor.

This can be true for many things, but environmental awareness and practice is a big one. Yes, definitely use the other holidays and celebration days throughout the year to market your business. In Bizology CORE we actually have a press release calendar that outlines many opportunities for PR related to these events.

Social consciousness, social responsibility, environmental awareness and active practices are all things that can be a differentiator for your prospects and customers.

If you participate in an Earth Day clean-up in your community, post pictures, articles and send out a press release!  If you sponsor others in doing so, do the same steps. If you have practices that are year round, this is a great time of year to post about them and share that info with your community.  Earth Day is once a year and at the same time, it is every single day!!

Green America is a great organization for learning and education about ways that as a company, you can take more action!!

Coming up in May are several holidays that you can focus on in your marketing -- Mother's Day, Memorial Day (in the USA) but there are many many more!!  This website is a great resource for identifying days that might be a good fit with your business: Holiday Insights

May is National Bike Month,  Asian American Month, Pacific Islander Heritage Month, along with many other monthy, weekly and daily holidays!

Get creative and see what ones fit well with your business!!


Monday, April 24, 2023

6 Successful List Building Secrets

list building secrets
6 Successful list building secrets

List building is one of the best ways to enhance the earning potential of your business. By having a strong base of customers, you have a good chance of catering to their needs, and subsequently, earn profits in the long run. The following pointers will enable you to make list building process a success for you-

1. Make your content relevant-

The most important tool for a successful list is to give content that has utility value for the readers. One of the most important tool for high rate of attrition is that people keep on publishing without actually keeping a check on its readability. So, be precise, to the point and don't lose out any single visitor.

2. Offer a lucrative incentive to sign-up-

A general saying in business world states that to get something, you need to give something. Keep this in mind and keep giving some benefits to them. Also, the incentive being provided should be relevant to the niche of operation. Remember, to catch the fish, you will have to offer some good bait.

3. Effective use of pop-up windows-

Pop-up windows are not the latest, but their worth in capturing the leads cannot be taken for granted. Although there are different pop-up windows available, their utilization value does not diminish with their continuous usage. However, careful analysis should be done before putting up these lead capturers. In case they are used in a wrong way, it could have dire consequences for your business.

4. Use sales letter to your benefit-

In today's scenario of information sharing, sales letters have proved to be an easy support for your selling efforts. Businesses are actually creating a sales letter to get the attention of subscribers, and at the end of it, instead of an order button, they have a subscribe here button. If used correctly, sales letters can significantly increase your ROI.

5. Design your Swipes carefully-

Swipes, also known as short e-mails, have gained value in business industry. They have a link included that gets sent across to various subscribers. Swipes can become a great source of lead generation, but the most important thing you need to keep in mind is that they have to deliver the maximum value, using the minimum possible space available.

6. Make the best use of Auto-responders-

Auto-responders are a well-known name in the advertising industry today. Autoresponders are emails sent to subscribers automatically when triggered by certain events. Be careful to use the best auto-responders, and don't fall prey to various free mail sending softwares that promise a lot, but seldom stand on their promise, Mailchimp being the exception. Mailchimp has been very stable platform and starts off with a free level.

These points surely will prove handy for the growth of our list building activities. Make their best use and move on the path of progress.

List building is critical to your business growth. When you focus on growing your list and not selling your product, you then have a list of targeted people that you can sell to.  But if you fail to get the person's email address, they are lost to you forever.  Once they leave, you cannot continue marketing to them.  If you try to sell first and they don't buy, they are lost to you.  List building should be your focus.  Focus with strategy so that you are capturing leads consistently and then following up effectively. List building is step one.  Then you can marketing and sell.


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Solve Your Sales and Marketing Problems: This week's free training

Solve Your Sales and Marketing Problems: This week's free training

How to Solve Your Most Pressing Sales and Marketing Problems!!

Check it out in the Visionary Womenpreneur's Facebook Group or via YouTube, Wednesday, April 19th 2023 at 3:00 PM EST. On YouTube you can click the NOTIFY ME button to get a reminder to jump on live. During the LIVE session you will be able to post your questions or comments.

I am planning to be live for about 30 minutes, so it's not a HUGE commitment, but should be great value!!

During the training I will be talking about some of the keys to solving your sales and marketing challenges! You are not alone! Most business owners and leaders are challenged with sales and/or marketing at some point in their business. The key is sticking with it and overcoming the challenge!

Join me live or watch the replay!!


Monday, April 10, 2023

The Bizologist's Success Path

Live Training is Starting on Wednesday. Learn more about what we will be covering!!


Bizology Membership

Bizology.Biz -- The Business Growth System


Building a business is not easy. It takes courage, persistence, a willingness to take risks and ultimately -- massive, imperfect ACTION!!

The good news is that YOU can do this!! You are about to learn about Bizology, my program that gives you the tools to grow your business.

The challenge is that most business owners went into business because they love what they do, OR they lost a job, OR they had a dream to be an entrepreneur. But most do not know the ins and outs of growing a successful business, or all of the pieces to running a thriving business. YOU are not alone! This is literally, the majority of business owners I meet. In fact, it was me!

The key is learning. Being an entrepreneur is the greatest personal growth journey you will ever take! You have to learn to lead, to be the visionary and to be the systems creator.

You have to master the Four Pillars of Success!! You have to learn marketing and how to put yourself out there. And you have to learn NOT to buy every "solution" that is pitched to you.

You need to have a clear and compelling vision -- a strategic plan to make it happen and a marketing plan.

Bizology is built on Four Pillars of Success:

- Leadership -- Vision, Values & Strategy

- Marketing, Marketing, Marketing -- Creating a Strategic Marketing Plan that Works and incorporates the profitability accelerators -- to GROW your business!

- Operations -- Planning for smooth and efficient operating procedures

- Products and Services -- Business is built on products and services.

- These are all standing on a Foundation of Work/Life Balance!!

There are real ways to grow your business!!

When you join Bizology -- you have access to the Bizology Core Course and....many bonus courses, plus new courses every month!!

We focus on the
Eight Profitability Accelerators!

These are the way that your business grows.

Really there are just eight factors that you can focus on to grow your business. When you focus on these profitability accelerators (systematically and consistently) then, you can intentionally and strategically GROW your profits. There are many, many tactics that you can use to effect a profitability accelerator, but if you do not understand what the accelerators are and HOW to impact them, then you are going to throw darts at the board, BLINDLY.

You, as the CEO, need to be strategic in your growth! We focus on the Profitability Accelerators consistently to change your results and impact your bottom line!!

AND then we ACCT
Assess - Create - Convert - Track

Assess what you are doing right now. Know YOUR numbers!!

Create a strategy to increase each profit accelerator.

Focus on Conversions: convert, convert, convert! It is all about conversions and increasing your conversions at each profitability accelerator.

Track -- know your numbers (again!!) Track what you are doing. Look at your conversion rates and then assess, create, convert and track again. It is a cycle and a system. Keep it moving over and over again.

The combination of the Four Pillars of Success Framework and Profitability Accelerators gives you the foundation for ACCT!!

Bizology CORE includes:

Pillar #1: Leadership --- Vision, Strategy and Implementation

- Vision, Strategy & Implementation: (I have found in all my work with clients that this is the best place to start.  What is the vision of the future?) Strategy (I will guide you through putting together a simple to use strategic plan for your business.  This gives you a clear framework to work from)  Implementation (This is where so many small businesses fall short.  Great ideas, great plans and lack of follow through. You will learn ways to make sure you are following through on your plan)

Pillar #2: Marketing, Marketing, Marketing -- Creating a strategic marketing plan

- Marketing(We will cover many marketing areas and in each area you will create your business strategy)  Some of these topics include:

- How to generate leads for your business

- How to put together an effective follow-up system so that those leads convert to business

- How to create an effective web presence and what that presence should be

- How to set up your own newsletter either print or electronic

- How to build yourself as an expert

- How to use articles and press releases (how to write press releases and building a press release calendar for your business)

- What to do with articles and press releases that you write

- How to set up a customer appreciation program that keeps your customers coming back AND sending you more business!

- and more....

Pillar #3: Operations -- Creating that well oiled machine.

- Operations (I will give you templates for building effective systems within your business) Each business needs to have it's own unique way of doing business. It is part of your brand, part of who you are.  By creating operational systems you document that part of your business.  This in itself makes your business more valuable.  Even if you are a one person show you need to have operational systems.

- We will look at what systems you need and what you have

- What are the roles and responsibilities in your business and who carries them out?

- You will develop an operations manual. Why do you need an operations manual if you are a one person show?  Well, hopefully your vision is bigger than one person, even if that bigger is adding an administrative assistant, bookkeeper or other outsourced personnel.  Even those people need to know how you do your business.  An operations manual adds value to your business, especially when you are ready to sell the business.  (okay, I'm getting to far into the lesson here!!!)

- Bookkeeping and finance-- we will look at what books you need to keep, why keep books and why you want to develop an annual budget for your business.  Tax time is not the time to figure out your level of business success or failure.

Pillar #4: Your Products and Services

Products and Services -- Without your products and/or services, you do not have a business. In this pillar, we look at what you have, how to innovate, bundle, improve upon, what you are offering.

This includes how you can use different products or services to upsell, down-sell, cross-sell, bundle or package. Often your products or services can be repackaged or repurposed for increasing your sales and profits.

Of course, your product or service needs to solve the problem that your target market has. If it misses the mark then you will have a hard time selling it!!

Plus: The FOUNDATION -- What we are all working for--

- Life/Work Balance (Do you have good life/work balance?  We will work to improve that balance with you.  By building a business that is thriving, that has good systems in place it becomes easier to attain the life/work balance piece)

- Leisure -- did you know I have Master's Degree in Recreation Administration.  One of the areas of study in my Master's program was Leisure. I used to be good at play and leisure.  Now, as a business owner, I find that I have to be more intentional about it.  It is really one of the reason's that I started a business to create great wealth and have MORE time.  We will focus on bringing play back into your life

- Work/Life Balance Assessment -- I have a great tool I will share with you so that you can assess your work/life balance.  I know you know where you are at right now, right?  Well this assessment helps you identify areas to focus on improving.

Bizology CORE has 20+ lessons that include videos, workbooks, downloadable resources.

Is your business standing on a strong foundation with massive pillars supporting it? If not then you need Bizology.Biz.

But YOU need to be, YOU have to be -- STRATEGIC in your thinking and HOW you put into motion -- the methods of growth.

For instance -- I have included a bonus course on Instagram. But Instagram is NOT right for every business. Paid advertising might be the answer for you right now. Strategic means thinking through all of the pieces and not just doing stuff to LOOK like you are doing marketing.

It will NOT work!!

I call that HOPE MARKETING and it just is not as effective as strategic marketing. Do things that have an impact on your profits. There are 8 Profitability ACCELERATORS! Focus your strategies on these 8 key areas. These are the keys to increasing your profits.

In Bizology.Biz -- my goals is to give you the framework and the system so that your strategies work for you.

When you join Bizology.Biz --
you have choices,
so that it works well for you.

Bizology offers 3 LEVELS of support!!

Bizology CORE -- DIY

Bizology CORE course plus all of the add-on courses!!

This is for the DIYer. You want access to the courses and resources but are a pure do-it-yourselfer! That's cool. I like to do alot myself as well.

Inside of Bizology.Biz -- there are workbooks, video lessons, guidebooks, checklists and more!!

The CORE gives you access to all of the resources and materials in the Bizology program. You can take massive action as a result.

Bizology Group

business growth

Bizology CORE + GROUP Coaching

This is our incredible mastermind group. The strategic plan is central. We have a different focus each week. We start the month off with Self-Care -- focusing on the Foundation!! We have two calls each month that are each focused on ONE of the Profitability Accelerators and strategizing for each business how to implement. AND we have a Make it Happen call -- this is the action call. What actions did you say you were doing to take and what actions DID you take.

The first of the profitability accelerators, for instance is TRAFFIC. Every business needs traffic. It can be foot traffic or web traffic, but new potential buyers are the life of a business.

During the TRAFFIC call, we talk about strategies for bringing in more traffic. If your business is a restaurant, that strategy is going to be different from an online shop. The online shop will be different from an online information business. That is the value of the calls. Brainstorming and hearing what other people are doing in their businesses and figuring out the RIGHT strategy for YOUR business!!

So, twice per month we cover a different Profitability Accelerator!!

That means that every 14 weeks we have covered each of the profitability accelerators and you (if you do the work) have potentially increased your profits by a significant amount.... typically nearly double what they were.

Profitability Accelerator calls are group calls that you have access to every two weeks! We kick off with a talking about a specific Profitability Accelerator and strategies that could be used to increase the conversion of that particular accelerator.

ONCE per month we hop on the phone for Make it Happen calls and at the beginning of each month, we will have a Self Care System call!!

Make it Happen calls are all about YOU! What you said you were going to do and what you did! It is YOUR chance to get feedback, input, ideas, and then you go and Make it Happen!! We all need to get to work and be accountable. Sometimes, going it all alone, just does not work.

The Make It Happen calls are the Bizology Mastermind calls. Gather with other business leaders and get into massive action!!

Bizology ONE

Bizology CORE + GROUP + ONE on ONE Coaching

One on One coaching focuses solely on YOUR business!! We dive deep. We do a complete assessment of your business -- where you are right now, and where you want to go! Then we work together to create a strategy.

As a coach, I totally believe in the power of coaching. I have witnessed it's power as a coach and as a client! I have found great value in working with a coach myself. So, that is always an option as well.

I work with you once or twice per month individually. You can jump on all of the Profitability Accelerator calls and the Make it Happen and Self Care calls. Together, we work on your specific strategies and create a powerful plan for growing YOUR business. And at the same time, you have access to all of the materials within Bizology Core and the power of the group.

Pick the plan that is right for you and your business growth!

You cannot afford to waste time on every social media platform, WITHOUT a good reason and a great strategy. There has to be an ROI and it has to impact one of the 8 Profitability Accelerators.

There are really just eight factors that can impact your business' profitability. EIGHT!! If you are NOT focused on these factors -- that I call accelerators, implementing strategies that impact those numbers, then you are just spinning your wheels (or pedals!).

Just want the course, that's fine!

Want to jump on the bi-weekly Profitability Accelerator calls and the monthly Make it Happen call and monthly Self Care System call, cool!!

Want one-on-one coaching -- I've got you!!

Bizology is designed to give you the training, resources, ideas, and support to grow your business! You choose the level of support that works for YOU!!

Choose what works for you!!

With Bizology you are investing in your future. You are taking action to GROW your business and understand HOW to consistently improve your outcomes!

No business owner should have to go it alone. Heck, it gets lonely. When you join Bizology GROUP, you gain an entire group of other business owners committed to growing their business. They become like an advisory board or peer board. They are there to focus on their business, but they also help you with ideas, feedback, strategies. It is always amazing how one idea can transform a business.

Of all the choices -- GROUP is my favorite! I see great power in the group coming together, whether it is just a couple of people that show up or many. Everyone has something to offer and everyone has something to learn!

Plus all of these BONUS courses!!



Bizology CORE has 20+ lessons that include videos, workbooks, downloadable resources.

Here’s what you’ll get and specifically benefit from with Bizology.Biz:

1.       Vision + 2. Vision Building -- All business building starts with vision. Without vision you have no direction.  You will learn how to put together your vision and keep it alive.  These two lessons are filled with ideas and resources for visioning.

3.      Vision –Values: Your Guiding Principles --Values guide your decisions.  Identify your guiding values and how they impact your business. Use them throughout your business to guide each decision and your overall direction.

4.      Vision: Strategy – Building an Effective Plan --A solid strategic plan outlines for you, your key directions and key strategies for achieving your vision, your goals and ultimately the success of your business.

5.       Marketing – Your Target Market --New leads keep your business booming.  Learn effective strategies for generating leads for your business.  We review multiple lead generation strategies and teach you how to implement them within your business.

6.      Marketing – Building Relationships --Doing business is all about relationships.  Learn strategies for building relationships with prospects and customers.

7.       Marketing – Follow up --Follow-up is the biggest gap that I see with businesses.  You receive a solid lead or referral and fail to follow up effectively.  Or you follow-up once and then drop the ball!  Learn how to follow-up effectively over time and convert prospects into customers.

8.      Marketing – Building a Web Presence --Websites are almost required for business owners.  Learn different types of web sites and figure out what you need to serve your business most effectively.



List Building a Key Growth Strategy

List Building a Key Growth Strategy

The Power of List Building for Small Businesses

Small businesses are also using list building to expand their reach in market-place.. As being a small business owner, you should reach to your prospective customers with an individual and targeted promotions to convert them into close deals. The number of your potential customers is directly proportional to the size of your list.

List building should be your top most priority to work on while determining you marketing strategy. Generating a valuable list can be challenging for small business owner. A list has the power to become the focal point of your business. With the help of this, you can facilitate selling to your existing customers instead of searching for new. You need to discover new and powerful ways to connect and focus on creating significant relations with your customers in the long run.

You already have a list, you can segment your list and create custom list according to geographical location, demographics and type of their interest for great results. List building benefits for your small business are:

* List building helps you to reach the perfect audience.

* A list saves your time, money and other resources

* You can customize your message to the correct audience to get a better return on your investment.

With list building, you will be able to get huge success in your niche market if you do it in a correct way. Here I am going to show you the strategies to empower your list building

1. Reveal products to the new audiences with Joint Venture:

Joint venture is one of the most effective list building marketing strategies where you advertise or promote a product and service of another party to a segment of your list. The commission is generally divided into 5050 but some of marketers set it as high as 75%.

Joint venture helps you to build a deep-rooted relationship with a specified list that have contented customers and you can sell them numerous times. It is not one-time deal when you have closed a sale and deal is completed. In real, you get a new customer that will be happy to from you again.

Set up a meeting with me to create your Joint Venture Ladder

2. Creating Specific Videos to motivate the prospects:

Videos are the quickest method to grab the attention of your audience. By creating short and informational video, you enable them to get complete info about your products. Using YouTube shorts, you can get in front of prospects more quickly.

Before starting with videos, you need to keep in mind the 10X10X4 content creation formula which includes

* 10 most general queries regarding your business and 10 prime queries you visitor can ask.

* You can create 20 videos to solve these issues within a three minute video.

* You can also build four more videos that have the basic focus on leading prospects into your sales funnel and facilitating ultimate purchase.

You can include a link of your website with relevant keywords in the description field and create a channel on video sharing sites such as YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion etc.

3. Hosting Free Webinars Offers New Sales Opportunities

Webinars are the best method to build interest, make secure sale and get leads for your list. With the help of webinars, you can add a punch to increase your email list which enhances your communication with customers.

GoToWebinar, Zoom and WebinarKit are the popular webinar services that have some pros and cons. You can include a BUY NOW button at end to hamper your marketing efforts.

List building is an everyday activity. No matter what strategy you are using -- it should lead to your list in some way.

I've just added my List Building -- free report to Becoming a Bizologist -- Pick up a copy now to access the free report!!


Friday, April 07, 2023

10 List Building Do's and Don'ts

list buildingDo's & Don'ts of List Building


1. Provide the audience with lots of opt-ins: - Just because e-mail marketing is permission based, its not like that you cannot go creative in your list building techniques. Do try that it is easy for your subscribers to find the link on your home page or the other web pages. Your opt-in form should be short and precise. Also use a double opt-in list so that it will ensure that your customers really want to receive your mail.

2. Use segmented (via tags) e-mail list: - Its necessary that you reach out your targeted customers. Using demographics, customers likes and dislikes the mailing list can be divided. This will help you in targeting customers according to their interests. Always try to communicate in a manner that appeals them. Your existing opt-in list is the best source to expand your upcoming opt-in list.

3. Consider the 4C's: - The matter you write should be Clear, Concise, Compelling and Customer-centric. The audiences are not interested in listening to your sales pitch. They need to save time, money and effort. Your content should be short and attractive enough to convince them to sign-up and also it must be useful and beneficial so that they are ready for more.

4. Connect via Social Media: - Use all other social-media to connect with the audience. It is the fastest and easiest way to build-up your list. Post your articles, free offers etc to your social media channels. Let your followers, connections, friends KNOW what you are doing and what you offer so that can connect to you via your email list. It maximizes your reach.

5. Keep your list private and clean: - Your list should be free of abusive content. You should not send something that would lose your customers trust. Use a list cleaner to get rid of any bad emails on your list. Having a recaptcha on your opt-in page can help with this.


1. Do not rent or purchase e-mail list: - As a responsible marketer you should not do this ever. To you it may seem as a time saving task but will decrease your status. Also it may happen that people won't even open your mail. Always build your relationship from the start. Your audience should always be aware of what they are getting into.

2. Don't forget to create a separate landing page: - a successful e-mail list building process requires a well-organized strategy. In this, creating a separate landing page is one of the important tasks. A separate landing page should be dedicated to your Opt-in form. Promote your free product or provide with some discount offer that will benefit your customers.

You can check out my different landing pages:

- Micro Memberships: https://compassroseconsulting.com/micro-memberships-for-success/

- Success Mindset Guide: https://compassroseconsulting.com/success-mind/

- 7 Practices to Finish What You Start: https://compassroseconsulting.com/7-practices-to-finish-what-you-start/

3. Don't lose patience: - List Building and management can be a time consuming task initially. But, losing patience can prove to be a bad sign for you. Once you are into this process, you will surely come up with higher opening rates and remarkable responses. With all this you will enter into healthier and a successful marketing campaign. You have to provide VALUE to people. If your open rate is LOW then you need to look at what you are providing. What is the subject line, what does the article offer inside? Does it speak to your target market's problem. Does it solve the problem?

4. Don't kick off the replies: - Communication is a two-way process. So never send mails using donotrevert@etc.com etc. It doesn't leaves a positive impact on the customers when they open their mails and especially when you are not a very renowned organization. Always be friendly and send mails with your company name. Always reply to people that email you. Do NOT have a no reply email. I just experienced this with a company the other day. They sent me an offer and the link didn't work. I sent them an email and their reply was: "this account is not monitored, reach out to our support desk at this link...." It puts the customer in the position of going through many more steps to get to you. Not cool.

5. Don't share irrelevant information: - The customers are not interested in reading what they dislike. Never show the information which is full of non-purpose ads or which is irrelevant to them. Only send the useful content to which is valuable to them so that they get attracted.

What is your first step in this?

Saying hello!! Always start with hello. It's a relationship. So start building one -- authentically.
