Check it out!! It is easy to use and it works.
Donna Price, Business Success Coach has incredible information to share with entrepreneurs to build greater business success. Visit often to read new articles, find out about upcoming tele-classes and radio shows. We offer individual coaching through an exclusive Entrepreneur's VIP Coaching program.
I am excited to let you know that my company, Compass Rose Consulting, LLC is celebrating 4 years in business as of August 30. I am a bit delayed in the actual celebration due to my recent move to a new house, on that very day!! But we are ready to celebrate now, and you are invited.
I am hosting a Virtual Open House Celebration throughout December.
Last month I held an Open House here in New Jersey. We had a great time. Twenty eight business owners and professionals joined me for a day of workshops, networking and great food. There was lots of learning, connecting and fun. The Virtual Open House offers 3 incredible workshops. Each with a valuable workbook. Register and receive the workbook for all three!! You will receive the call in details for each workshop and come to one or all -- it's your choice. You will also receive info to listen to the workshops later, if you can't make the call.
The Schedule
December 3rd, 2008 12-1:30 PM Eastern
The Marketing Puzzle: You get to put together your own marketing puzzle – learn strategies for filling your marketing funnel.
December 10th, 2008 12-1:30 PM Eastern
Envision: A powerful workshop focused on vision. Your personal vision, your company vision: creating success starts with your compelling vision. If you haven’t looked at your vision in a while this is a great time to revisit it, refine it and get yourself moving in an accelerated way towards it.
December 17th, 2008 12 - 1:30 PM Eastern
Internet Marketing Strategies—is your web presence working? This workshop will give you powerful tools for improving your web presence and using your internet marketing.
To register for the workshops via tele-class visit:Compass Rose Consulting