Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to begin reflecting on the year and being grateful that all has been accomplished. Each year, at this time, I begin looking at what I accomplished. What went well. Its a time to celebrate all that has happened and learn from what isn't quite right. It always amazes me what has been accomplished. Often as a small business owner, it can feel like nothing is happening, that the wheels are just spinning with no results. When I look at my list, I realize that much has happened and there is a great deal to be thankful for.

Some of the highlights of my year were:
  • celebrated 4 years in business and had a great open house celebration. (I'm taking it virtual in December)
  • added new clients
  • developed an incredible Business and Marketing Mentorship program
  • had the opportunity to facilitate leadership development and strategic planning sessions with non profit boards and leadership teams
  • joined the Board of Directos of a non profit organization
  • enjoyed our first camping trip and biking trip with our girls
  • bought a new house and moved just before school started
  • and many, many more!
This year at Thanksgiving we have a thanksgiving basket with slips of paper for each person throughout the day and the weekend to add the things they are grateful for.

Taking the time to remember, celebrate and be thankful is the essence of the holiday, but as a business coach I would say that it is also the essence of building a successful business.

Take a few minutes this holiday weekend to reflect on your year! I'm sure you will see great things that have happened.

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