Wow! I can't believe that it is almost the end of February and I have been so out of touch with you!! I have been working on several new projects that I will tell you about. But first I want to share what is included in this newsletter:
1. Effective Small Business Training Available for you
2. Things happening around New Jersey
3. Article: Creating A Breakthrough
4. Next Week
5. Where I’ve been and where I am going!!
Effective Small Business Program:
Last year I hosted three tele-classes to celebrate my 4 year in business anniversary. They were great workshops both in person and via tele-class. They are now available to you as a set. Today you can buy the set.
Things Happening Around New Jersey:
I am the President Elect of NJAWBO and we are hosting an incredible Boot Camp.
Here are the details:
2nd Annual Business Boot Camp
Offered by NJAWBO - Sussex-Warren Chapter Saturday, March 29, 2008 - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Open to all business owners, both men and women
Participant Admittance: $69 / for the full day!
We are pleased to host this second annual event with Centenary College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Centenary College's main campus. Join Us on March 29, 2008 for the Sussex-Warren Business Boot Camp!
Location: Centenary College, 400 Jefferson Street, Hackettstown, NJ
Once again, we’ve put together a great variety of experienced business experts for you to benefit from at the 2008 Business Boot Camp!
Fill your day with…
Up to three 20 minute private consultations with professionals such as:
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Representative, Business and Management Coaches, NJAWBO's Women's Business Center Director, Human Resources Expert, Accountant, Lawyer, Web Professional, College Learning Center Professional, Sales Consultants, Insurance Agent, U.S Post Office Business Development Manager
What questions will you want answered in your 20 minute private sessions?
Plus take part in an unlimited number of presentation sessions in our multiple one-hour time slots.
Presentation titles include:
3 Steps To 3 New Clients In 30 Days
7 Fatal Mistakes Business Owners Make (*and How To Avoid Them) ABC’s And D Of Starting A New Business
Action: The Blueprint For Success
Boost Your Bottom Line - Marketing Essentials Business Loans For The Small Business Owner Totaling about 30 presentation titles....
Easy Steps to Complying with Small Business Taxes
(A Three Hour Special Program you can choose to participate in)
And take some time to network and share ideas with other new and seasoned business owners.
To learn more about the Business Boot Camp visit:
• Our website at
(List of Experts and links to their business and individual profiles,
Workshop Details, Presentation Schedule, and more)
* To Register, go to:
We accept all major credit cards and payment via PayPal.
Article:Creating a Breakthrough
How do you create a breakthrough in your business or your life? it's hard to see the possibility, to see that you can create a breakthrough, especially when times feel hard or tough but what it comes down to is getting out of your own way. How do you stop your own success? Do you sabotage yourself? Jinny Ditzler, in her book, "Your Best Year Yet" outlines a process for shifting your paradigm. As a program leader of the Best Year Yet program, I have seen this shift happen over and over. What I have witnessed is people creating break throughs by looking at themselves, their beliefs and their behaviors. How do you do this?
First is understanding:
Beliefs lead to behaviors which produce results.
So often, when we aren't achieving what we want and need we change our behavior. Underlying our behavior are our beliefs. If those beliefs are limiting beliefs then we must shift and change the belief. Since we are in charge of our beliefs we do have the power and the ability to make this change. First, look at your behaviors. What are the behaviors that limit your success? Some limiting behaviors that I see with business owners are: procrastination, not following up with leads, not asking for referrals. The next part of the process is to look at the underlying belief. What do you say to yourself about the behaviors? In essence what do say to yourself: that inner voice; that justifies the behavior: the excuses for the behavior. Now, some of these excuses are things that you believe to be true. Perhaps you are telling yourself -- they are only going to say no, or I'm not good enough, or they won't buy. What are your limiting beliefs?
Shift the beliefs
The key to the breakthrough is to shift the belief. This is more than positive affirmations. This is taking control of your inner dialogue and changing it. Often our inner voice is saying things to us we wouldn't allow people to say to our children. The trick is to replace the inner dialogue with more empowering dialogue and stop the negative talk. if you are telling yourself you aren't good enough, then how will people believe you are? In Jinny Ditzler's book, “Your Best Year Yet” she recommends creating a new empowering paradigm that is positive, short, written in the present tense. A new paradigm for the example we have been working on could be: "I am more than enough".
How do you live the new paradigm: because that is really the key. It is a great first step to identify how you are getting in your own way or sabotaging yourself. It's not enough. Creating the new paradigm is another great step. Living the new paradigm is the real key. Read the new empowering belief everyday, several times per day. Use the new words for your inner dialogue when the old inner chatter appears. Take control of the inner dialogue. Post the new empowering paradigm where you can see it several times per day. You can also write about how it is impacting your life. Journal about how changing your paradigm produces different results. Always write in the present tense, as if those results are happening right now. Practice your new paradigm. You can also create a CD with a brief meditation that talks about your new paradigm and the changes that have taken place.
The bottom line is that you are in control of creating the breakthrough. A coach can help you figure out the paradigm, and keep it on track. Use the tools that you have to create your breakthrough results.
Next Week:
Next week – I am working really hard to launch a GREAT new program called Accelerated Marketing Mentorship. It is going to fun, easy, affordable and will help you accelerate your business results!! You see I haven’t been just sitting here eating bon, bons! I’ve been working.... I can’t wait to tell you more about it. I am excited about it and think you will be too. It will launch early next week, so watch you in box. The initial launch is a BETA launch and is limited to 100 people. Then it will go into a full phase launch and 200 additional people will admitted BUT the price will increase for the full phase launch. The BETA folks will lock in their charter price and will have opportunities to help in refining the program. That’s it – I can’t say more. Watch your email.
Opportunity # 2: I am so excited about the small business group that is coming together for March. This group is a combination "in-person" and telephone conference call group. We are starting March 15th. There is room for 3 additional businesses. The folks that have signed up right now are ready to take their businesses to new levels. They are motivated, excited and want to be part of a group that will help them succeed. IF, you feel that you are ready to jump into this incredible group then just let me know! I have 3 spaces left. The energy around this group is contagious AND these 3 spots will also fill quickly. Will there be another group if you hesitate? Well...I wouldn't wait to see. The energy in this group is energy you want to be a part of.
What have I been doing?
I have been working on two new books – one a very personal story and the other – business building of course. I am also in the process of revising my book Launching Your Dream. You know, it is based on my story of taking an idea – biking across the country – and living the dream. The book tells bits of the biking story but whenever I present to groups about it, they always have questions about the bike trip. So, I am adding more stories from the bike trip. It is quite fun remembering and writing about it again. I can’t wait to get out and ride!
As you can see I have been busy. I look forward to hearing from you.
Have an incredible day, building your success for 2008.
All the best,
P.S. I hope you have an incredible day, please let me know if there is an area of your business building that I can help with....
Donna Price
Compass Rose Consulting, LLC
PO Box 615
Branchville, NJ 07826
Everyday is a good day to live the vision and dream.....
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