Wednesday, August 23, 2023

VWR with Nicole Wittauer: Mapping the Journey: Exploring the Power of Art and Play in Self-Discovery

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In this thought-provoking episode of the Visionary Womenpreneur's Podcast, we dive into the transformative power of play and exploration with our guest, Nicole Wittauer.

power of play and art in personal exploration

As an artist, coach, and creator of powerful icebreaker games, Nicole shares her insights on how embracing art and play can unlock our inner creativity, connect us with our authentic selves, and lead to a more fulfilling and aligned life experience. Join us as we explore the importance of letting go of expectations, questioning our identities, and embracing the unknown.

Have you ever felt disconnected from your true self? Do you find yourself putting too much pressure on reaching a specific destination rather than embracing the journey? In this episode, we'll challenge you with the thought-provoking question: What possibilities can arise when we let go of expectations and explore the unknown? Get ready to embark on an inspiring conversation with artist and coach Nicole Wittauer.

Nicole Wittauer is a passionate artist, coach, and creator of transformative icebreaker games. With a love for art and a fascination with play, Nicole helps individuals tap into their subconscious mind, find creative solutions, and break free from limiting beliefs. Her work focuses on reconnecting individuals with their inner wisdom and embracing the power of exploration.

In this episode, Nicole Wittauer shares her journey of self-discovery, highlighting the importance of art, play, and exploration. From using drawing as a tool to connect with the conscious mind to creating user manuals for the brain, Nicole unravels the transformative possibilities that lie in the realm of play. She discusses the significance of embracing failure, surrendering control, and rekindling the playfulness that often gets lost as adults. Nicole also delves into the power of questioning and transforming our adopted identities, exploring how pursuing multiple passions can lead to unique paths of success.

Key Lessons:

1. Embrace Play and Exploration: Nicole emphasizes the power of play as a teaching tool for both personal and professional growth. By giving yourself permission to explore without fear of failure and surrounding yourself with supportive playmates, you can unlock your inner creativity and tap into your subconscious mind.

2. Question and Transform Your Identities: Discover the identities you have adopted and question whether they truly align with who you are. Through exploring the origins of these identities and finding ways to transform them, you can experience personal growth and a more authentic life.

3. Embrace the Journey: Break free from the expectation of reaching a specific destination and instead embrace the unknown. By letting go, taking risks, and experimenting without rigid plans, you open yourself up to new possibilities and a more fulfilling life experience.

Connect with Nicole Wittauer and discover her art, coaching, and transformative icebreaker games at

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