The Power of Positive Affirmations
Everyone has that little voice within themselves that constantly tells them when they can or cannot do something. Most often, that little voice is giving you a million and one reasons why you can't, which only adds to our self-doubt. Trying to think positive, can feel overwhelming or impossible, but it's not.
Positive affirmations are positive thoughts or words that describe a desired situation or outcome, such as success. These have to be repeated over and over again in order to trigger the subconscious mind into positive action.
Most people spend far too much time repeating negative words and statements in their mind, whether consciously or subconsciously. Keep telling yourself that you can't do something, that you are too lazy, or that you are stupid and don't be surprised if you never succeed at anything. Words and statements work both ways, to build or destroy. But their capacity to cause harm or good is up to us.
The repetition of positive affirmations help focus your mind on your aim, automatically building corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, when then affects the subconscious mind. By using this process consciously and intently, you harness the power of your subconscious mind to transform your habits, behavior , mental attitude and reactions.
The most effective affirmations are those that are composed by yourself. But in order to be truly effective, you must believe whole-heartedly in your own affirmations. It is best to state your positive daily affirmations in the present tense, for example, I am..., rather than I will be.... Also, choose words which will evoke positive mental images, describing what you really want. If you desire to lose weight, tell yourself I am getting slim rather than I am not fat.

The transformative powers of positive affirmations are very real. By repeatedly stating what you want to be true in your life, you mentally and emotionally see and feel it as true, thereby attracting it into your life.
Download the 10 daily positive affirmations with the Success Mindset book!! All complimentary and inside the member's area!!

These self worth affirmations can be part of your success mindset plan. They are a great place to start!
Developing a success mindset can help your feelings of low self worth. Pick up my guide to build your success mindset along with the comprehensive daily planner. When you plan for success and work on success, your mindset shifts. Low self worth is not possible with a success mindset or a growth mindset.
When you work on your own mindset, you will see a shift.
Download the guide today. HERE
When you start focusing, intentionally, on your mindset, your self worth you will find that you do get to choose it. You have the ability to shift it and take control and change the results. Decide today to change low self worth. Don't let it take control of your life.
Thinking positive can shift the energy in your life. But it is a practice. Most have to retrain their brains. It sounds cliche, but the reality is that your mindset can impact your outcomes, your results.
It sounds simple, right? But the reality is that you have to work at it. And even though it seems simple, creating a daily practice, will help support your goals. Shifting your mindset and creating a daily practice, helps you to accomplish your goals, your vision.
Here are a couple of the daily affirmations:
1. Today is full of opportunities, and I welcome each one!
2. I am worthy of unconditional love, and I am loved by many.
3. Only I have the power to change my life, and the beginning is today.
4. I am radiant health, boundless energy, unconditional love, and effortless abundance!
5. I am competent, confident, experienced, an
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