Once you find an idea for your membership site, there’s a specific process you can follow to get it launched.

Fortunately, there’s also a simple process that you can follow to get ideas for your membership site. If you’re unsure how to begin and are stuck for ideas, try out these tips. Your next membership site may not be that far away.
Begin by brainstorming your own life. Get personal!
Creating your membership site is going to be much easier if you know a little bit about the market.
There are a few rules for brainstorming.
1. Write everything down that comes to mind
2. DO NOT judge the ideas just write them down
3. Have fun with it!
We use to have lots of fun with post-it notes, writing one idea per note and putting them up on the wall.
The advantage of post-it notes comes later when you are sorting through the brainstorm….
Get started with YOU – the things you love, your hobbies, favorite activities, special interests. You can even dive into your past if there are things that you have given up but still love – add them to your list.
Next, expand to your family and jot down all the things that fit into the same categories for your family members: hobbies, interests, activities, passions. This list could be a goldmine for your membership site.
This list could be a goldmine for your membership site.
There are many product launches that happen each day. Plugin to these. Watch what is selling, what people are offering in your niche or primary area of interest.
In the Internet Marketing arena or the Make Money Online Niche – you might see that there are many products about video marketing or article marketing or social media. These each could be a great membership program for you.
If your niche is fitness, again, watch what is selling. Amazon is a great resource for looking at trends, as is Facebook.
Find a few people to follow and sign up for their email newsletter and subscribe to their blog or YouTube channel. Watch what they are doing, what they are launching.
Peruse means “to examine in detail”. It also begins with “p” so it fits my outline. :-)
If you want a comprehensive list of existing electronic products that are selling well, JVZoo or Amazon or Clickbank.com/marketplace are each great resources.
“Peruse” these sites to see what is a hot topic right now in your area of interest. What is your target market searching for? Add each of these to your list!!
These give you new ideas for product development and content development. Adding affiliate products can be part of your back-end sales. You can sprinkle them through your membership site.
Amazon is a great research resource for figuring out what to develop.
Check out the best-seller list to see what is selling.
The bestseller list is divided into categories and that will be helpful to you in zoning in on hot topics in your area of interest. It makes it easy to gather membership site information.
Hint: Go with the topics that are popular. :-)
Forums and groups are where you can find the pulse of your market. When you identify forums or groups with your target market in them you can see what they are talking about, what they are asking about and what they are buying.
It’s easy to search for forums – just put your keyword into the search and add the word “forum” and see what pops up!! There is also some great software for this. But a basic search will get you started.
Be sure that you check out both the FAQs section and hottest threads. Both of these will give you tons of information about what might be a good membership site topic.
The other place to do this research is on Facebook Groups. Look for groups both open and closed that are talking about your topic or area. When you find an open group – again, you can check out the hot topics.
Oh my, it feels like a flash from the past. PERIODICALS. Remember that section in the library? I do, I spent hours there!!
But NOW…..
You can visit – right online Magazines.com!
This site has categories, best sellers, and more… a treasure trove of potential membership site ideas!
If your market has a buying audience, then there is most likely a magazine or periodical ;) out there that is totally dedicated to it. Magazines cost money and without an audience and advertisers that see that market they will NOT be published for long.
If you see that advertisers are paying BIG $$ to get in front of that market, then it is a pretty safe bet that you can create a membership site for that very same market. I love this place!
The last stop on our journey here are email discussion lists. You can easily find these with both Yahoo groups and Google groups. These free e-mail discussion lists cover a wide variety of topics.
Sign up for a couple of these groups. You might want to set up a special email account for these emails. What you will find on these groups is people asking questions – getting information but basically it comes down to problems that aren’t be solved with other services or products.
By going through these simple outlets you are sure to find a great idea for your next membership site.
Learn how to use YOUR content for YOUR membership site! Pick up a copy of Content Repurposing today!! or Join Micro-Memberships and learn more about building a membership program. Both are totally free!!
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