Saturday, August 31, 2024

Can Everyone Achieve the Flow State

Can Everyone Achieve the Flow State? Is it for Me?

flow state

The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times The best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

Mihly Cskszentmihlyi

The flow state enables you to achieve peak performance and achieve your goals but can everyone, including you, achieve it? You want to live your best life so you need to know what to do and how to make it happen. Having goals and plans can help guide you on the path to creating your best life. Flow psychology and knowing why and how to use the flow state can help you.

Have you ever been so engrossed in a task that you've lost track of time? During that period did you find yourself pushing the boundaries of your knowledge and skills? If at the end of the task you completed a goal you had set yourself then you were, in all likelihood, in the zone (or flow). If you felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness with your success, then you will know that you were.

The Flow State

The flow state is a term coined by positive psychologist, Mihly Cskszentmihlyi. He has spent years studying people. Happiness is something that is sought by many but can seem elusive. If you feel that you aren't happy in your life, then consider what may be missing. Cskszentmihlyi asserts that it doesn't just happen but has to be created. So if you want to have more happiness in your life then you'll need to understand how to create it. It needs preparation and cultivation and setting challenges to yourself is one of the main factors.

Do you want to feel a sense of purpose in your life?

Consider what you want to achieve. It may be a personal or professional goal. Create a plan and include steps to help and guide you to its completion. You can use the flow state to help you achieve your goal as it will enable you to remove blocks that may be holding you back and to achieve more in less time. This is known as achieving peak performance and happens while you are in the zone and working on the task at hand.

Unlike hyper focus, being in the flow has no negative emotions associated with it. It is an energized and happy state where you are completely immersed in taking action. You are without any self-consciousness or doubt. By achieving a goal that you have set yourself you feel a sense of achievement and increased confidence. You will also have gained new knowledge or skills along the way. This not only provides achievement but also lessens stress levels and has been shown to boost neurochemicals that in turn boost your immune system.

If you want a sense of purpose and fulfilment, then you definitely want to utilize the flow state. Not only will you achieve goals but you will also gain the additional health benefits provided by being in the zone. It's something that can be learned and used to achieve a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Why wouldn't you want that?

Building Your Marketing System

Why do you want and need a marketing system?

marketing system

When you build a marketing system that is YOURS, you KNOW that you have a way to increase your revenue easily and predictably.

A marketing system consistently:

- Brings new and qualified leads (future buyers) into your business

- Has a system for follow up and nurturing that helps YOU connect with your new leads and build the "know, like, trust" relationship

- Uses calls to action wisely to bring people into your customer base.

- Provides customer service that builds loyalty and repeat business.

- Works easily and reliably so that you know what to expect for your growth each week or month.

- Is trackable so that you can improve it when it is not working as well as you want or need it to.

So what does this really mean? Isn't all marketing the same?

There are definitely marketing concepts that work across businesses and industries that you should be implementing in your business. But they can look different for different companies.

For instance, if you are a local boutique you need local traffic into your store. Can the Internet or social media help with that? Definitely. But you also need signage on your storefront, local ads with calls to action.

The biggest mistake I see is that people focus on getting buyers and that doesn't work in a lot of industries. And the mistake is that they don't get the person's information or capture the lead! They have no way to follow up or continuing to build the relationship. The interaction is over.

This happens over and over. A business owner runs an ad -- sending the lead to their BUY NOW button and they don't buy, they bounce! But what if was a different call to action -- an optin where the first step was a really valuable item at a low cost or no cost. Then you have the opportunity to continue marketing and building the "know, like, trust."

So, whether you are a local shop or an online business -- lead capture is key. It has to be a part of your marketing system!!

Lead capture or optins are different from followers or connections. When you build your email list -- it is YOURS. When you have followers or connections or friends on a social media platform, they can definitely become buyers but they can also be taken away by the platform without your control. Moving people over to your email list is key.

What are the pieces of the marketing system?

- Being clear on your target market -- who are you marketing to?

- Lead capture -- having a way of capturing the information when someone connects with you.

- Follow-up - they say the money is in the follow-up and so many miss this opportunity to continue connecting.

- Presenting valuable offers -- when you have done a good job of connecting with your target market, your service should be valuable to them. Building good offers that provide a ton of value are the offers that people will be interested in.

- Loyalty -- everything you are doing up to this step is geared to help you in building loyalty. If you don't have a good follow up system, you will lose customers and they won't come back, because you are not telling them what you have to offer to them.

When you build YOUR system, you have the ability to predict your results. You can turn it on and off. Or up and down based on what you can handle.

When you have a working sales and marketing system -- you can look at HOW to scale your business!! That's exciting! Not everyone is doing that, because not everyone is building a system for their sales and marketing. If there is only one system that you are going to build in your business -- this is the one!!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Repurpose Content Without Repetition

3 Tips to Keep Your Content Fresh:

How to Repurpose Content Without Being Repetitive

Repurposing is a bit like magic: you take a single blog post, short video, or infographic and transform it into multiple pieces of valuable content. But before you start conjuring new videos, audio, or visuals across numerous platforms, remember: there's a big difference between strategic repurposing and simply regurgitating content. If you give your audience the same thing over and over, they might disappear.

For sustained engagement, each repurposed piece must feel familiar, yet completely fresh.

1. Personalize the Content to the Medium

When people think of repurposing, many believe that its simply a matter of taking content from one medium (for example, written) and turning it into another (for example, audio, video, visual, or interactive). That's a great first step, but you can't stop there.

For example, if you start with a blog post and use it word for word in a video script, your audience is going to know somethings up. They might not recognize the exact wording, but reading a blog post out loud on video is going to sound stilted and unnatural.

You must personalize the content to the medium.

For example, lets say you're converting a tutorial blog post into a video. Instead of simply narrating the steps using the blog content as your script, incorporate a live demonstration, add some new observations, and walk viewers through the process.

2. Each Platform Has a Unique Personality

The same rule applies to platforms. If you're transforming an original piece of content into multiple social media posts on different platforms, you'll need to personalize each post. A complete rewrite or redesign is unnecessary, but keep in mind the individual platforms maximum word count, audience, and popular format.

For example, the tweet you post on X (formerly Twitter) wont look like your post on Facebook. Or, you might post a short video on TikTok and a carousel on Instagram.

3. Micro-Focus

Find a single interesting point or statistic within your original content and expand on it in different formats. It can be easier to narrow in on one sub-topic and create variations of it instead of trying to make an entire blog post appear fresh and new in different formats.

- Did a specific point generate audience interest?

- Was there an idea that you feel you could have explored further but you didn't have the space to do so?

- Is there a sub-topic that could generate fun and interesting graphics or sound clips?

- Narrow your focus to that one subject by either creating a case study, a short video showing its real-life application, or an infographic that provides more detail.

This allows you to dive deeper into subjects and offer new value without simply duplicating the entire original piece. This micro-focus gives your audience the impression that they're learning something entirely new.

3. Build on Reader Reactions

Your audiences comments and questions can inspire a wealth of repurposed content. Their unique perspectives on a topic can motivate you to reframe your content, create a response, or offer a fresh angle.

For example, if a post on productivity tips generated questions about goal-setting or removing distractions, you might create infographics, social media posts, or explainer videos that provide more information on these topics.

Or, if a commenter said something about the subject matter that you disagree with, you can create content that serves as a counter-argument (without calling out the commenter by name, of course) and demonstrates your expertise.

Getting Started with Your Repurposing Plan

Consistently producing fresh, valuable content can be overwhelming. Repurposing is a strategic approach to content development that puts a unique spin on each piece you create, helping you to improve your content strategy and increase your reach and impact.

Want to learn more about how you can repurpose your content?

Head over here:

The Content Repurposing Workshop!!

- Check out these other resources...

- Content Repurposing

- Content Repurposing FREE

- How Content Repurposing Can Save YOU!

- Is Business Blogging Part of YOUR Marketing Plan

Thursday, August 29, 2024

E-Learning and Micro Memberships

E-Learning and Micro Memberships

🌟 Transform Your Business with Micro-Memberships! 🚀

🔑 Unlock growth and customer satisfaction by adding a Micro-Membership to your business. Our FREE video training reveals how!

👩‍💼 Share YOUR expertise 24/7 and connect deeply with your customers.

📈 Maximize your time, grow revenue, and foster a community of loyal followers.

💡 Learn how to create a resource-rich hub for your tribe. It's more than a membership; it's a movement!

🎥 Access our two-part video series ANYTIME and ANYWHERE to start your journey.

🌐 Join us and start building a thriving community around your business today!

#MicroMembership #BusinessGrowth #Entrepreneurship #CompassRoseConsulting #24_7Access #CommunityBuilding #FreeTraining

[🔗 Learn More and Get Started!]

5 Benefits of Empowering Employees

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Table of contents

- 1. Free Up Management Time:

- 2. Company Growth

- 4. Empowering employees is good for morale.

- 5. Increased staff satisfaction


empowering employees, empowered staff

Empowering employees can have multiple positive benefits to the workplace.

1. Free Up Management Time:

Employees can take the lead on projects and tasks and free up the manager or leader to do other things.  The leader often has the responsibility of growing the company. When they tie themselves up in the day to day operations they remove themselves from this important task.

2. Company Growth

Growing the company, getting out and acquiring new projects, new clients and visioning greater success are all part of being the CEO or leader.  Employees can take on the day to day operations of organizations.

4. Empowering employees is good for morale.

When managers have to control every aspect of an employee’s work it is demoralizing to the employee.  When staff make suggestions or put forth ideas and they are never accepted or considered, or have to be the idea of the manger or leader, then employees stop making suggestions.  Staff do not work for pay alone.

5. Increased staff satisfaction

Work conditions play a major role in staff satisfaction and performance.  When staff are in a situation where they have little control, are not acknowledged for their work or ideas then their performance suffers.  The results for the team or the company are negative.  Turn-over increases and the costs to organization are impacted.

Empowering means giving up some control, but does not mean that the organization runs wild. Staff have great ideas.  It is gold.  They see ways to improve operations, get things done faster, easier for less cost.  The misconception of the micro manager is that only they care about the company.  When true leaders share their vision and passion for the company, employees can embrace that vision and passion as well. When that leader then empowers the employees to do great work, results can soar.

As the leader or CEO you can set up communication systems that empower employees and at the same time keep you informed and in the loop.  But you do need to follow through and let employees make decisions and not take back all control when you are informed of staff decisions.

Empowering instead of micro managing will result in better organizational results and free you, the leader up to further grow the organization.

When you develop an environment that coaches staff, then you are meeting with your staff consistently and regularly.  Your staff have specific goals that they are working on and reporting on and you are both tracking what the results are. That environment looks forward towards the company vision and strategic plan so that everyone is working in the same direction for the growth of the organization. This shift not only empowers staff but also empowers you as the leader to be the leader and focus on growth.


- How to Stop Micro-Management and Empower Staff

- Team Building

- Donna Price Books

- What Happens When You Put Off Leadership Development?

- Leadership Growth - A Number 1 Success Strategy

Repurposing Formats to Increase Your Audience

repurposing formats

Table of contents

- Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!
- Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles
- Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats
- Repurpose Your Content!!
- Monitor Results

Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!

Do you find yourself spending hours researching and creating content and when it finally goes live nothing?

You have created engaging material about topics your audience cares about, but the likes, shares, or comments are underwhelming.

The problem is not always the quality of the material itself, but it could be the format.

Do you understand WHERE your audience consumes their info?

Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles

People have different learning styles and preferred ways of consuming content. So, you need to look at how to accommodate that!!

Written: Written content including articles, eBooks, and blog posts appeals to people who prefer reading and have strong comprehension skills. Written content gives people the freedom to take in information at their own pace and easily refer back to sections they want to review.

Visual: Visual content like charts, diagrams, infographics, and videos appeal to learners who process information visually. For them, pictures and graphics make complex information more digestible, accessible, and memorable.

Audio: Audio content includes audiobooks, lectures, and podcasts, and it suits learners who take in information by listening. Its also useful for people who like to multi-task, tuning in while exercising or commuting.

Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats

Quickly review the last 10-15 pieces of content you have created. What percentage of your content is written, visual, video, or audio?

Lets say the majority of your marketing content is written, for example, blog posts, social posts, reports, eBooks etc. Various studies have shown that up to 65% of the general population are visual learners. If you do not accommodate this segment of your audience, you could end up losing them.

The solution?

Repurpose Your Content!!

Repurposing allows you to connect with more people, using content they enjoy consuming, across various platforms.

Repurposing is not simply about recycling content. Its about strategically transforming your content to cater to your audience and the different ways they consume content and learn. For example, you could transform a long-form blog post into an infographic, explainer video, or podcast episode, reaching your visual or auditory learners.

You can also repurpose to incorporate all mediums and learning styles, making sure each type is represented: written (a social post), visual (an infographic), and auditory (a podcast episode). Or, when you repurpose, combine 2 or more mediums in one piece, for example, add an infographic and audio snippet to a blog post.

Monitor Results

After you repurpose, monitor your engagement metrics: Which formats are getting more likes, shares, and comments? Are certain types of content driving more traffic to your website? Asking these questions will allow you to know your audience better and adjust your repurposing strategy as needed.

Learn more with my Content Repurposing Guide:

Want to connect with a broader audience through repurposing? Check out my course, Repurposing which teaches you the A to Z.

This guide will give you Quick Tips for creating a content marketing strategy.

Using your content only once is cumbersome. It means that you are constantly creating new content. But when you repurpose your content, then you are able to maximize its reach and its power.

Check it Out

Content Repurposing is central to an effective Content Marketing Strategy.

Can content be a marketing strategy? YES!! Definitely! Content educates your prospect, your leads about YOU, your organization and what you have to offer. It is a pre-seller to your services.

Content Repurposing Workshop

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ready for the Ultimate Shopping Spree?

Ready for the Ultimate Shopping Spree?
Who doesn’t love a good shopping spree, especially when it’s for your business and it’s totally FREE? 🎉

The Summer Coaching Bundle is here, and it’s packed with over 160 courses, programs, and digital products that could transform your business and life.

Imagine walking into a store where everything is 100% marked off. That’s exactly what this bundle offers—$10,000 worth of resources at no cost to you. But hurry, this offer ends on August 31st!

Click the link to start your spree and grab all the goodies while you can. 🛒

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Top 5 Tips to Add Value to Your Repurposed Content

Repurposing Saves You Time and Money.

Don't let it be overwhelming!!

repurpose content

You’ve heard it said numerous times: repurposing content isn’t simply a matter of recycling – you’re not just taking the original content and pasting it into new formats, in different mediums, on different platforms. For example, if you’re repurposing a blog post into a social media post, it’s not enough to cut and paste a paragraph from the blog and call it a day.

You must tailor and tweak the content to suit different media and audience preferences. You are transforming content, not duplicating it. You need to add value.

But how can you make the repurposed content distinctive, unique, and valuable without spending hours recreating it? After all, isn’t repurposing supposed to save you time and resources?

You don’t need to do a complete redesign or rewrite. Here’s how to add value to your repurposed content without reinventing the wheel.

 1. Tailor to the Medium and Audience

Every medium, whether it’s audio, video, visual, or interactive has its own distinct characteristics. Tailor your repurposed content to that medium and its audience. For a video, incorporate a live demonstration to simplify complex ideas or processes. When developing an infographic, break down the essence of the core content into five key visual points. If you’re creating a podcast episode out of existing content, focus on the key points and deliver it in a conversational manner, or, think of questions you can ask your guest that will naturally expand upon the topic.

 2.  Add Fresh Insights

Your original content may have been published a while ago: incorporating a fresh perspective or new insight is an effective way to rejuvenate old material. Add information about the latest industry trends, the launch of a relevant product, or the results of a recent study. By doing this, you’ll add value to the original material, keeping your content current and useful.

 3. Integrate Examples and Case Studies

Examples and case studies enrich your repurposed content, supporting your claims and explaining your concepts. For example, if your original content offers productivity tips, in your repurposed material, add a case study illustrating how the techniques made a difference in a client’s work life. It backs up your material and provides your audience with a tangible, real-world application.

 4. Incorporate Data

When repurposing your content, insert relevant data that supports your content. For example, if your original piece is about social media trends, add the latest statistics or a chart that shows growth over time. Visual representations of data are easier to digest and understand. Adding data is especially powerful when transforming written content into a visual piece, like an infographic or video.

 5. Edit and Improve

The final way you can add value to your repurposed content is simply improving it. When we complete content, there’s always something we wish we had tweaked or refined the minute we click publish. When you repurpose into different formats, this is your opportunity to make those changes. An explanation that wasn’t quite right, examples that could illustrate your point more clearly, or even the style or tone. Take the time to fix the things you weren’t 100% pleased with in the original content.

Want to learn more about how you can improve YOUR content? Head over here:

Monday, August 26, 2024

Content Marketing

Content Marketing
🚀 Boost Your Content Marketing Skills with Our Comprehensive Course! 🌟

Are you ready to elevate your content marketing game? Look no further! Our course is tailored to help you build credibility and rapport with your audience effectively.

📚 What's Inside?

-->> Exclusive Guide & Training: Dive into our "50 Ways to Develop Content & Video," a treasure trove of strategies and insights.
-->> Checklists Galore: Get your hands on practical checklists covering:
-->> Diverse post type templates
-->> Sources for high-quality content
-->> Innovative content idea generators
-->> Master Content Repurposing: Unlock the power of content reuse with our FREE Content Repurposing Guide. Plus, delve into our:
-->> Repurposing Deep Dive
-->> Articles & Repurposing Tactics
-->> Engaging Videos, Podcasts, & Audio strategies
-->> Effective Outlines & Presentations
-->> Eye-catching Infographics, Emails & Guides

🌟 Why Join Us?

Build Your Expertise: Learn the art of creating impactful content that resonates with your audience.
Maximize Content Lifespan: Discover how to recycle content creatively and efficiently.

🔥 Ready to transform your content marketing approach? Join us now and make every piece of content count! 💡 #ContentMarketingCourse #MarketingSkills #RepurposeContent #LearnAndGrow

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Do YOU Have a Marketing Plan OR Are You JUST Winging It?

marketing plan

Are You Winging it? OR Do you have a solid marketing plan?

Do you have a solid business plan? Marketing plan? Strategic plan? Or are you winging it and hoping?

Creating a plan and sticking to it can improve your results. A plan becomes your blueprint for success. We most often see small businesses winging it, because business development is not their knowledge base. They are wonderful at their craft, but creating a plan and living that plan is not in their 'wheel-house'.

Developing solid strategies and tracking those strategies gives you the real world information that you need to move your business forward in a predictable and reliable way.

This is especially true for your marketing. You need to have a Marketing Plan....

Marketing isn't simple. To do it right, it requires a great deal of planning. Small businesses without massive marketing budgets have to handle this aspect of their business themselves or outsource in an affordable way. To do this effectively, either way it should be part of YOUR plan and not just a hope.

This is why businesses create a marketing plan. A marketing plan is a detailed document that includes the data you need to make marketing decisions and set a course of action that you can implement immediately. Drafting a marketing plan takes a great deal of time and work, but in the end, the benefits to having a plan are worth the effort that you have put into it.

Here are a few questions to get you started.

Who Is Your Target Market?

If you're already selling, take a look at your existing customers. Who are they? What do they like about your company's products? Try to recall any positive feedback you've gotten from them. Naturally, if your brand resonates with these individuals, it will resonate with others like them.

It sounds simple but so many business owners tell us that EVERYONE is their ideal customer or ANYONE is their ideal. Defining your true customers is an exercise that is worth your time. It directly IMPACTS your marketing strategies and tactics.

If you don't already have customers, defining your target market may take a bit more work. Look at companies that offer similar products to yours. Who is buying from them? Who could benefit from your products? Try doing some market research to glean some idea of who your target market is.d

What Makes Your Products or Services Unique? Why You? How Do You Stand Out?

There are bound to be other companies out there selling goods or services similar to yours. So, what makes yours different? Why would someone buy from you and not another company? Think about it for yourself, why do you buy from one company instead of another? Is it the product or the customer service, the location? There is always something that causes the person to hit that BUY button.

If the unique qualities of your products don't come to mind immediately, some work needs to be done. Do some soul searching and look for the strengths of your products. Write down everything that you love about your product/service. Include what you have heard from your customers.

If, in the end, you find that your product unfortunately resembles basically everything else on the market, how can you differentiate it to make it unique?

What Do You Want Your Marketing to Achieve?

Every business takes for granted that it needs to market, but why? The 'why' is critical. You need to identify exactly what you hope to achieve through your marketing because this will guide all of your efforts and help you choose which tactics are most appropriate.

Are you trying to build your email list?
Do you want buyers directly on your website?
Is your marketing for new leads?
WHAT is a critical question.

Once you know who your target market is, what's unique about your product or service, and what you want to get out of your marketing efforts, you're ready to get started with your marketing plan.

Winging it in business is most often not a good strategy. Spending money on marketing with HOPE that it will work is a waste of money. If you are like most small businesses you do not have money to waste.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Social Media Management Project

Social Media Management Project

🚀 Level up your social media marketing game with "The Social Media Management Project" course! 🚀

🗓️ Organize your social media marketing with a proven social media marketing calendar
📈 Stay consistent, productive, and efficient in your marketing efforts
🧩 Eliminate randomness with a strategic approach to your social media posts
🎯 Learn from a long-time social media marketer and business coach
🔑 Discover the power of focus and how it leads to marketing success
📅 Plan your 30-day social media calendar cycle for maximum impact
✔️ Be educational, funny, and network effectively on social media
🔗 Enroll now to take the first step towards social media marketing success!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your marketing skills and achieve real results. Enroll in "The Social Media Management Project" today! 🌟

#SocialMediaMarketingCalendar #ConsistentMarketing #EfficientMarketing #OrganizedMarketing #FocusedMarketing #MarketingSuccess #LevelUpYourMarketing

Friday, August 23, 2024

5 Quick Tips for Membership Site Success

Building Your Membership Site Success Quickly and Easily!!

membership site success

Membership sites are a great way to make recurring income online. If you're thinking of starting your own site or you already have one going, here are a few quick tips for success with your membership site. They will help you simplify your content creation process, get affiliates to promote your site and get new members.

Creating your membership site success quickly involves embracing innovative strategies: consider outsourcing content to focus on your strengths, enhance user experience with professional graphics, and diversify offerings with multiple membership levels. Engage your audience through a dedicated blog and make a significant impact with dynamic video content.

1. You can Outsource content creation

Your membership sites success depends on content. You might be delivering new content each month, or perhaps you create the content once and it is evergreen and stands alone. There are several ways to outsource your content creation:

You can hire a ghostwriter to provide your site with articles, reports, workbooks, checklists and blog posts, if you want to cut down on your content creation time. When you use a ghostwriter you'll be able to concentrate on your strengths (like promotion) rather than wrestling with the writing/creation part. When you outsource, you don't have to worry about being a good writer or knowing a lot about your topic. You can have professional content that gives the site value without writing it yourself. BUT, you must review the content to be sure that it fits with your ideas, values, and what you promote.

If it doesn't, it can be a great jumping off spot to revise and improve the content that you paid for. It is critical that you also ensure that you have the rights to publish and sell the content.

Another strategy is to buy licensed content from other experts. This can be a really fast way to build your site and get it off the ground. Again, make sure it is a good fit.

2. Make Sure Your Graphics Sell.

Studies have been shown that outstanding graphics can compensate for average content. Of course, this isn't an excuse to produce lackluster content. But if your site looks good, people will want to be part of it! Your sites graphics don't have to be overly fancy, but they do need to look good. If you're not a pro at graphics, you should find a website designer to give you the professional look that you need to draw in customers. You may be able to barter with a designer for free graphics by offering a free membership to your site. There are also sites such as Fiverr that you can hire someone to do the graphics for you. Tools such as Canva can also help in creating that professional look and feel.

3. I like to have different membership levels or offers

Giving people options that have different price points can make your membership more attractive to different people. Creating two levels of membership or more can help you draw in a wider customer base. You can help people join the site who might not be able to if the price is higher, but you still have the opportunity to get a higher monthly fee from those who want the added benefits of being in the top tier. To encourage more sign ups, you can have a free membership level, a silver level and a gold level.

4. Use a blog to promote your membership site

Create and maintain a blog outside of the gates of your membership site in order to build traffic and increase your presence within the niche. Syndicate your blog posts to your social media sites. I use Blog2Social to do this. My blog is HERE (you are on it right now!!) and it is build on Wordpress. Blog2Social is a plugin for Wordpress.

You can maintain your blog as part of your main website (I prefer this) or create it on a completely different domain. Blog about popular topics inside your membership site and give teasers about the content that members are receiving. When you give quality content and mix in references to your membership site, you'll create credibility and get new members for your sites.

5. Add video to your membership site for major impact

Video is almost a must these days. Including short educational videos as part of your site can be meaningful to your members. You can take your articles and convert them to video, you can do talking head educational videos or more formal training videos. Services such as Zoom or Streamyard allow you to record your video and save the recording for adding to your website!!

To elevate your membership site, consider outsourcing content, investing in professional graphics, offering varied membership levels, promoting through a blog, and incorporating engaging video content. These strategies can streamline operations, enhance appeal, and broaden your audience, setting the foundation for a thriving online community.

Entrepreneurial Myths that Will Hurt Your Business

Is Your Business Impacted by E-Myths?

We are going to embark upon a journey through the world of e-myths and debunk them to help you avoid falling into the e-myth trap.

First, let’s take a minute to talk about what an e-myth is. An entrepreneurial myth, or e-myth, is an assumption that anyone can succeed at business with:

·       Desire

·       Some capital

·       Projected a targeted profit

This sounds great, but it just not realistic. Think of starting a business as a marathon. Sure, everyone starts out of the gate at record pace, but after a few miles people start slowing and some drop out entirely. Building a successful business takes stamina and agility.

The reality is that there are many different facets to a successful business and none of them can be ignored if you plan to find success.

Let’s take a minute to talk about entrepreneurial seizure. This defines the roller coaster of emotions that comes with starting, nurturing and the potential failure of a business.

The emotions that occur, in order, are:

·       Exhilaration

·       Exhaustion

·       Despair

·       Sense of self-loss

This is usually cause by the e-myths and assumptions we talked about. You can get your hopes so high on instant success that even the smallest lag and you are sent into an emotional tailspin. This is also brought on by the stark realization that you can’t do it all and will need help in the areas where you don’t have the knowledge. Now, faced with limited choices you may feel like you need to back out and hide, but don’t do this.

Pick up a copy of the Visionary Womenpreneur's Field Guide to learn how to create your strategy effectively.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

5 Reasons You Should Start Your Membership Site

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Table of contents

- 1. Regular monthly recurring revenue.

- 2. Affiliates promoting for you

- 3. Particular niche prominence

- 4. Backend sales possibilities

- 5. It's never been simpler!

membership site

Membership sites are one of the most effective online business models that you can make use of. There are lots of different kinds of subscription sites that you could start so there's no reason why you should not make them part of your Web marketing strategy and your business revenue strategy.

The power of a membership or continuity program is amazing. Here are several reasons it can make sense.

It fits into several of the profitability accelerators for increasing your revenue.

1. Regular monthly recurring revenue.

When you construct a membership site you'll have ONE HUNDRED, 200 or also 500 members paying you on a monthly basis for your information. If you supply even more material as well as ask for a greater price for your subscription site, you can be gaining well over 6 numbers a year for your website.

2. Affiliates promoting for you

Affiliates love membership websites. They are going to invest their time promoting the membership site if they have a choice in between repeating month-to-month earnings and a one-time ebook sale or product sale in the exact same particular niche. They are searching for the very same sort of repeating earnings that you are. You can quickly set up your associate program via Clickbank, 2checkout or ThriveCart. Here at Compass Rose Consulting, we use Advertise your associate program to your members as well as extremely affiliates to obtain more sales.

Join our Affiliate Program HERE When you are an affiliate, you can promote others programs and earn significant income. When you have an affiliate program, others promote YOU.

3. Particular niche prominence

Within the entrances of your subscription site, you could provide a large selection of content. The even more content you put into your subscription site and the even more participants you have, the a lot more your content and your referrals will certainly be appreciated within the specific niche. There's no faster way to brand name on your own as a specialist within your niche compared to by producing a subscription website.

4. Backend sales possibilities

The revenue from a membership website does not quit with the regular monthly subscription charges. You can likewise repackage component of the material made use of in your membership website as well as market it as an independent product.

5. It's never been simpler!

It has never ever been much easier to run a subscription website, specifically if you don't have any technical knowledge. It made use of to be that you would require the aid of a web programmer to obtain a subscription site set up correctly. Thanks to very easy to make use of material administration systems like Wordpress and also membership website scripts that will make protection simple, you could have your subscription website established within a concern of hours. There's no reason why you should not begin one today. (check out our course on creating your membership site!!)

If you offer even more content as well as bill a higher rate for your subscription site, you could possibly be making well over 6 figures per year for your site and increase your revenue in other streams as well.

Brainstorm the valuable information your customers or clients ask you questions about. This is a great starting point.

Leave your ideas below for growing your business with a membership site and I will gladly comment on them and let you know what I think!!

Debunking Myths: Unlock the Potential of Membership Sites

Membership Sites and the Myths Behind Them

Right now, the buzz is all about membership sites and programs, shining as a beacon for entrepreneurs seeking lucrative revenue streams. Yet, amidst this excitement, persistent myths cloud the true potential of this strategy, potentially holding you back from unlocking a significant income source.

Membership Site Myth #1:

Let's bust a common myth: the notion that you must be a seasoned expert in your membership site's focus area. This couldn't be further from the truth. Imagine leveraging expertly crafted books, workbooks, checklists, videos and webinars created by others to enrich your site, without the pressure of being the expert yourself. (Of course, you often need to have permission or license to use many materials. So be sure that you check on that first!!)

Membership Site Myth # 2:

Another myth that needs dispelling is the idea of endless content creation. The reality is, membership sites often thrive on a fixed-term model, offering a structured course with a clear start and end. This approach means your content, once created, serves many cycles of members with minimal updates needed, making it an efficient and popular choice.

Membership Site Myth # 3:

And then there's the fear of "too much content" causing paralysis. The truth is, a successful membership site balances quality and quantity perfectly, catering to your audience's needs without the pressure of perfectionism or the myth of endless content creation.

Membership Site Reality:

Membership sites do require effort, like any venture, but the beauty lies in their potential to generate a steady income stream with minimal ongoing work. It's time to cast aside these myths and embrace the opportunity.

Embark on your journey with our Club Building course, designed to guide you through the process of creating, launching, and growing a successful membership site. Say goodbye to myths and hello to a rewarding membership model that works for you.

Join us and unlock the door to recurring revenue and the freedom it brings. Let's get started!

More Ideas for Your Membership Site:

- Your Weekly To Do List For Your Membership Program

- 5 Reasons You Should Start Your Membership Site

- 4 Passive Income Strategies That Work

- Top 10 Ways to Promote Any Membership Program

- List Building is a Top Business Growth Strategy!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Your Membership Site Startup Checklist

Your Membership Site Startup Checklist

Starting a membership site is easier than you think. Although there are a lot of requirements involved, you can breeze through them all with this simple checklist. Once you get through this list you'll be in prime position to launch your own membership site and start gathering a consistent monthly income from your site.

Domain name

Your first step is to get a domain name. Use the most popular keywords in your niche and add a community-oriented suffix like club, group or team. For example, your weight loss membership site could be hosted at Using keywords can help with search results. Or you can include it on your website and point the domain to the website.


Your website design will have a big impact on how your members use your website and how often they come back. You'll need a welcome page, a blog, a member's area and/or course area and perhaps a forum, depending on the nature of your membership site..

Sales Process or Funnel

Your sales process or funnel should guide prospects through a meaningful sales process. It may be a sales letter that should convince visitors why they should join your membership site. It may also be a Webinar with a powerful call to action at the end that sends the person to your shopping cart with a program summary. Some would consider it to be the most important part of your business because it gets people in through the door. The sales process needs to emphasize the benefits of your membership site as well as mentioning the features. By the time you have guided people through your process, they should be ready to say: "Hell Yeah!!"; you'll make the decision easy for them.

Order Processor or Shopping Cart

You won't make any money with your membership site unless you have this set up properly. While many people use Paypal, Stripe or another credit card processor, to process their monthly subscriptions, you will need the technology to facilitate this. I use LifterLMS as my Wordpress plugin for my site and I use it's built in shopping care along with Stripe. There are also options such as WooCommerce, ThriveCart, 1ShoppingCart and more. If you are hosting on a membership platform such as Teachable, or GoHighLevel, then you will set up their system and probably connect it to Stripe or Paypal.

Membership Site Script, Plugin or Host

A membership site script or plugin will keep your website secure. The script/plugin will build a registration form into your site, which will allow paying members to sign up and access the site. It will also keep visitors from accessing your content without paying. Thanks to membership site plugins/scripts you don't have to hire a coder to set up a custom script for you. You can also host on a learning platform such as Teachable, Udemy etc.

Email Autoresponder program

You'll want to keep in touch with your members and let them know what is going on inside of the site. Using an autoresponder e-mail list is a great way to keep people active in the site. You can send out a new message each time there is a content update, or you can e-mail a weekly newsletter. Place an opt in box on the welcome page that members get to after they've successfully subscribed.

Startup Content

Before you launch your site, you should have several articles, reports and other forms of content available for your members to enjoy. If you plan on having a certain amount of updates per month, you should have at least twice as much content when you start. This way the members know that theyll be getting quality from you in the future. Write the content yourself or have a ghostwriter do it for you.

Editorial Schedule

Just like traditional newspapers, your membership site needs an editorial calendar. You dont want to scramble around each month trying to get your content together. Plan ahead at least a few months of content and get it prepared before you need to post it.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to promote your membership site and start earning monthly income.

Pick up more checklists, guides, trainings, templates and a Workshop on how to build your membership site or program!!

Micro-Memberships gets you started on exploring the viability of building a membership program in your business.

In addition to video training and workshop, you will have access to guides, checklists, templates and additional resources to help you make your program profitable.

Join Micro-Memberships Today!!

How to Finish What You Start: Beating Procrastination

New Learning for Me!!

Or, an OLD lesson, re-learned!!

procrastination lesson

Are you someone who struggles with procrastination? Do you often find yourself putting off important tasks, only to feel the weight of stress and anxiety as deadlines approach? If so, you're certainly not alone.

In the video, a guide titled "7 Ways to Finish What You Start" was introduced, focusing on combating procrastination through actionable practices. The seven practices outlined in the guide are as follows:

- Plan with creativity

- Overcome your negative bias

- Visualize the spectacular outcome

- Hold yourself accountable

- Don't insist on perfection

- Enjoy the journey

- Assess your progress

I'm no stranger to the challenges of procrastination. It's all too easy to put off important tasks, only to be left feeling stressed and overwhelmed as deadlines loom closer. In my recent video I share a valuable lesson about overcoming procrastination, and it's a lesson that resonates with many of us.

The video introduced a guide titled "7 Ways to Finish What You Start," which focuses on actionable practices to combat procrastination. These practices include planning with creativity, overcoming negative bias, visualizing the outcome, holding oneself accountable, letting go of perfectionism, finding joy in the journey, and assessing progress.

Overcoming Negative Bias

Out of these practices, the concept of overcoming negative bias struck a chord with me. The video shared a personal experience of procrastinating on a daunting task, leading to months of unnecessary stress and financial impact. The turning point came when I decided to confront the task head-on, despite my initial negative assumptions about how difficult and uncomfortable it would be.

To my surprise, the task was far easier and more straightforward than anticipated, resulting in its resolution in a matter of minutes.

This experience served as a powerful reminder that negative biases often deceive us into thinking that tasks are more challenging than they truly are. By taking action and overcoming these biases, we can alleviate the unnecessary stress and burden that procrastination places on us.

The transparency about relearning this lesson served as a poignant reminder that overcoming procrastination is an ongoing journey. It highlighted the importance of continuously challenging ourselves to take action on the tasks we've been avoiding.

So, how can we apply this lesson to our own lives? Firstly, it's crucial to recognize when we're allowing negative biases to influence our approach to tasks. By acknowledging these biases, we can then consciously choose to confront the task despite our initial reservations. Additionally, the video emphasized the importance of taking action on something that we've been putting off, highlighting the relief and freedom that comes from resolving these tasks.

Valuable Lesson

Ultimately, the lesson learned from the experience shared was a valuable one. By overcoming negative biases and taking proactive steps to address tasks that we've been avoiding, we free ourselves from unnecessary stress and empower ourselves to move forward with confidence.

So the next time you catch yourself procrastinating on a task, remember this lesson. Challenge the negative assumptions, take action, and experience the liberation that comes from conquering procrastination.

Let's embrace the opportunity to finish what we start and make the most of each day. Take action on one thing you've been putting off and make it a great day.

Let's embrace the opportunity to finish what we start and make the most of each day. Take action on one thing you've been putting off and make it a great day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

YouTube SEO Blueprint

SEO for Visibility and Engagement

Welcome to YouTube SEO Blueprint!!

I am thrilled that you are here!!

YouTube is a great platform for connecting with potential customers and clients.

But if you fail to take the time to do the SEO piece of each video you could miss the mark. I know I did!!

Monday, August 19, 2024

5 Warning Signs That Your Project is Going to Be Derailed

Make Sure Your Project Does Not Get Derailed

When we get derailed or experience a major setback or failure, it always takes us by surprise. Sure, the going was a little rough but we just didn't see it coming. At least, that's what we think.

Getting derailed is serious. It could mean having to start all over again or worse, ditch a project altogether. It’s one of the main causes of not finishing what we start and if this happens often enough, our whole life course can be impacted.

But you can avoid derailment by being alert to the warning signs. That's right, a derailment shouldn’t come as a surprise because there are always red flags that indicate you're heading for big trouble.

Here are 5 key warning signs to be on the lookout for:

You're procrastinating too much

If you're constantly procrastinating rather than acting, it's a sure sign that something's wrong. Your loss of motivation causes you to procrastinate and this could be due to many reasons.

It's your job to quickly find out what they are.

Usually, a quick review of your goals and timeframes to ensure that they're realistic can resolve the issue. Make any modifications you need to, roll up your sleeves and get to work!

Take a look back at your vision. What are you building, why are you building it?? Vision can often get us back on track. If you don't have a vision, (the Vision Board Project is a great resource!!) it may be time to do some visioning. Write it down, make an image for it, revisit it every day. Vision can help re-inspire you and motivate you out of procrastination!

Work has to be redone

When work results are poor and have to be redone (whether you're responsible or others are to blame), this is a big red flag. It means you could be headed for that one big, irrevocable error that could completely derail you.

Usually, the reason is poor communication of task requirements or poor skills. Pinpoint what the problem is and take quick measures to fix it, and closely monitor work outcomes.

You're falling back on deadlines

Whether you're working to your own deadlines or have an assigned one, it doesn’t matter. Consistently falling behind is the biggest motivation-zapper of all. It could simply be due to unrealistic deadlines or goals, and these should be modified. Of course, if the goals are NOT unrealistic then modifying them is not the answer -- accountability and follow through may be needed.

It's important to assess what could be going on. Pinpointing the problem will allow you to quickly get back on track with your deadlines.

You lack motivation

The loss of motivation means mediocre or poor work outcomes, or even finding an excuse to quit altogether. Reflect on why you find the work at hand boring or frustrating.

Sometimes, injecting some enjoyment into a task or project can reignite your motivation. You can do this by mixing up your routine, changing your surroundings and finding new and creative ways to do things. Setting up a reward for work done each day and a bigger reward for the complete project. We do this in Accountability Coaching with daily rewards and bigger rewards.

You're making excuses to quit

When things get difficult, it's easy to find a dozen excuses for quitting – and having to admit defeat and failure is the worst kind of derailment because it destroys your self-confidence and self-discipline.

Learning to see obstacles as exciting challenges that you're totally capable of overcoming will kill your thoughts about quitting and keep you fired up. Shifting your mindset to seeing these as challenges puts you in a better place to finish what you start and overcome the challenges.

Stay Alert

Don't let derailment take you by surprise again and empower yourself to finish what you start with success and outstanding results. Stay alert to these 5 signs that you're getting derailed.

Recognizing the signs of derailment early on and addressing them can effectively keep you moving forward with your project.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Strategic Plan - The Map to Results

Strategic Planning Improves Results with Consistent Implementation

Strategic planning only helps organizations when they are kept active and implemented.  The strategic plan defines the business direction.  That direction is based on the future, the vision of the company.  Before an effective strategic plan can be developed a clear and compelling vision is needed.

Visions are optimistic, the ideal picture of the future. 

The strategic plan that results from the leadership team’s strategic planning, is the map to that vision and then it is only effective if it is implemented.

Strategic plan can sound intimidating and overwhelming to many small business owners.  The most effective strategic plans are those that are simple, completed with the leadership team and key people in the company.  Complex documents that consume excessive amounts of time to create don’t guarantee success.

In fact, the large and cumbersome strategic plan can be so overwhelming that it just doesn’t work.  Strategic planning sessions that go on and on for months also fail because so much time is consumed in the planning and the implementation, which is the key, is pushed aside.  The goal to have the perfect strategic plan doesn’t produce results.  Instead, the team that engages in strategic planning and produces a good working document is more likely to succeed.

Mapping Your Vision:

Start with vision.  Write down what you envision for the future.  What does the future of your business look like?  What do you want for the future? Vision stories are inspiring, it’s your dream.  Once you have created your vision you can begin building strategies.

The vision is the destination, where you are going.  The strategies are the map that gets you to the vision.  Company values are the guide or the “compass” in our map metaphor for making decisions along the way.  Values keep you oriented and in alignment.  When values are out of alignment the company is off track; not moving in the direction of the vision.

Strategic goals can be limited to the top 6-10.  By having fewer goals the plan is able to stay alive and in front of you and the team.  By alive, it means that the plan is always where you can see it, use it and keep working on it.  It means that the team is focused on the strategic goals at all times, talking about them, brainstorming on them and reporting to each other their successes and challenges.

To set strategies for your business first look at the vision, the different aspects of the vision.

Brainstorm all of the goals, all of the strategies for each aspect of the vision.  With brainstorming it is important to get all of the ideas out and write them down without judging them or editing them.  Often the best idea comes from an idea that at first look seemed too wild or crazy.  Ideas jump off of other ideas.

Once you have brainstormed all of the possible goals, prioritize them. Often strategic goals can be grouped with similar strategies.  This can help in the prioritization process.  The goal is to narrow the list down to the top 6-10 strategies.  What are the goals or strategies that will give your business the future you envision, that will create a breakthrough that will produce the results that you want?  Those are the goals that you should be selecting as top priorities.

Creating a powerful strategic plan is just one of the first steps.  Many organizations have strategic plans that are well thought out and crafted.  Where they fall short is in the implementation of that plan.

Strategic Plans Only Work When Implemented

key to strategic planning

Implementation is the key.  If you fail to implement, the results will not be what you set out to achieve.

Implementation is the result of focused and continuous action.  Strategic plans don’t just happen on their own: they require your attention.  By keeping the plan in front of you and the team responsible for the plan, focus is maintained.  Regular meetings about the plan also keep the plan moving in the right direction.  Check-in meetings hold people accountable.  When teams don’t meet and don’t keep their eye on the plan, the day to day interferes and the status quo remains.

Strategic plans don’t just happen on their own: they require your attention

Donna Lynn Price

In order to make changes in the results that you achieve there has to be intention and commitment on the part of the team. The check-in meeting gives the team the opportunity to review what is happening, what is interfering with the results they want and need and make the changes necessary to change the outcomes.  Through the intention of the leadership, the plan and the team, the culture of the workplace can shift from one of non-performance to one of performance focused.

Performance focused companies are companies that are thriving. The energy of high performing teams shifts the energy of the whole organization.  It becomes more positive and contagious.  People become excited about the vision, the plan and their implementation of the plan.  Results create energy and excitement that keeps the plan moving, it propels the plan and the ultimate results of the company.

Organizations that produce results have a clear vision of the future; have a plan that is simple and strategic; and they work on the plan all the time.  Their actions are designed to move that plan forward.  They don’t let themselves or others get in the way. Through effective strategic planning and by implementing the strategic plan organizations achieve results.

Creating a strategic plan can be the first action towards growing your company with focus and intention. But as you can see, it takes some thought and then it takes consistent and persistent action. It does not work if it sits on the shelf. Your company does not grow when you are not focused on that growth.

Assess Your Lead Generation Strategies

Having a Lead Generation Plan that Works, Makes Growing Your Business Exciting (and Predictable)

lead generation

Generating new leads is a focus of most business owners.  But do you ever stop to evaluate where your leads are coming from and how your lead generation methods are working? It is important to have systems in place to track new leads and evaluate each lead strategy. You have to KNOW your numbers in order to have a system that is really working for you.

Many business owners miss this key metric. Marketing numbers or conversion points can dramatically impact your revenue and even small changes to those conversion metrics can make a BIG difference.

So what numbers do you need to be looking at?? There are a couple of ways that you can do this.

1.  Website –

If you have a website then it should be one of your lead generation strategies.  Your website has to be set up to work for you!!

You want to have your subscription form on your site for your free gift.  If you don’t, you will not be able to keep in touch with folks that visit your site.  Take a look at your website statistics to see what kind of traffic your site receives and where the traffic is coming from. A free gift is a free report or tip sheet or video or.... that provides YOUR prospect with valuable information. You are working to

If your web host does not provide statistics you should set up a Google Analytics account and add the code to your web pages in order to track your traffic.  You want to know who is visiting, how long they are staying on your site, what pages they are visiting and where they came from to get there.  Did they do a search?  If so, what keyword were they searching that landed them with you?  Once they are there are they interacting with you and your site: subscribing to your newsletter, taking surveys, leaving feedback on your guestbook or forums? All of this detail is great information for you.

2.  Lead Generation

Do you receive leads from referrals, lead boxes, listings in directories, yellow pages?  When a new person contacts you it is a good idea to ask where they got their information from. Recently several business owners have asked whether the Yellow Pages is a good place for them to spend their money. As a business coach I really don’t know the answer to that because it is different for each business.  It depends if YOUR business is receiving calls as a result of the ad.  That is why asking about where the lead came from is so very important. With the Internet, the effectiveness of Yellow Pages is definitely diminished. But if you have a marketing strategy that is working, you need to KNOW which one it is!!

It's essential that you know where your leads are coming in and what isn't working. It's not cost effective or wise to use mediums that aren't working. They should be changed so that there are more leads generated, in the case of a website, or done away with altogether, in the case of a newspaper advertisement.

The medium that you dispose of right now can always be revisited in the future.

A down economy is a great time to evaluate everything that you are doing, but it is not a time to eliminate advertising and marketing.  You have to continue to market or you won’t have new leads and referrals.  Do your marketing wisely, track it all and evaluate relevant pieces each month.

So take the time to do a marketing evaluation and understand your marketing metrics. Need help? Schedule a Business Breakthrough Strategy Session.

Lead generation is a foundation of building your business. Without an effective lead generation system it is hard to predictably build. When you have a lead generation system that is working for you, then your business is growing consistently and that decreases stress, enables better sleep and so much more!!

It can be frustrating to get the system right and understand all of the numbers.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Leadership- A Key to Business Success

Leadership is Essential

leadership is essential

In history students learn about the activities, good and bad, that individual historians label as  a good leader and leadership. We study their personalities to extract the qualities required for leadership.  Experts argue if leaders are made or born. I think it's some of both, based on situations and the individual.  You can teach someone to lead but they must have the desire and certain personality or character traits to be effective and a high quality leader. Others are never taught leadership but in a situation that calls for leadership they emerge as a natural leader.

Leaders are sometimes defined as revolutionaries. During times of conflict or change one individual usually stands out. That person has the ability to motivate individuals to fight for something that is difficult. Martin Luther King Jr. is an example of a leader involved in a social cause. Wars require a leader. The absence of a leader in situations like these would be chaos.

In business, the roles of leader and manager are somewhat intertwined.

“Leader” usually implies a broad view, the person at the top, the visionary. The buck stops here usually means the leader is the one ultimately responsible for the success or failure of a given mission. Leaders utilize managers to help them complete their tasks. The “managers” are often not the “leader” but rather the implementer and at the same time they are expected to lead.

The current world situation calls for strong leadership. Recent changes in technology, economics, communication and social issues created problems that individuals and companies are struggling to deal with.  It seems as if there's a whole new arena of leaders emerging. Bookstores offer numerous viewpoints by individuals promoting what they believe it takes to successfully lead a company. Some of these are excellent resources. Is there a magic formula? Can someone learn to lead by reading a book?

Many of the qualities of successful leaders from the past are still essential today.

Some things like integrity never change. Perhaps some individuals we looked up to as leaders forgot or disregarded qualities such as character. Society is fed up with immoral living, dishonesty and selfishness of today's business leaders. Emerging leaders need to restore the "good name" formerly associated with leadership, as well as embrace the changes in our current global society.

Experts have different opinions on what makes a good leader. Most people would agree there are certain characteristics that all good leaders must possess.

The following qualities I believe are essential for effective leaders. They are not necessarily in order of importance.

Passion. All strong leaders have passion.

They are totally committed to and sold on their cause. The end goal or result is the over driving force in their life. They eat breath and sleep this; sometimes to excess. Driven to succeed they also have the ability to ignite excitement in others. Without passion they could not enlist followers. Sometimes this is confused with enthusiasm or charisma. Having passion can lead to those behaviors but they are not requirements. Mother Teresa was not known for her enthusiasm.

Vision. Leaders have vision.

They look beyond today and see the big picture. Not content with how things are now they see something better in the future. A good leader is realistic about current circumstances but they don't feel trapped. Their desire to succeed or make things better drives them to find ways to make this happen.

Self Confidence. Leaders possess self confidence.

They've had past success, they know what they're capable of and most of all they understand the importance of never giving up. If they fail they continue trying until they succeed. Philosophers believe that thinking you can do something is half the battle. If you don't think you can do something you probably will not even try. A confident leader inspires their followers to believe in themselves. They do not have a problem delegating duties to others.

Integrity. A good leader is truthful and dependable.

Followers of leaders with integrity do not have to wonder if something their leader said is true – they know it is true. This is based on past behavior and reputation of the leader.  Lies and deceitful behavior eventually surface. If this happens individuals are reluctant to follow someone they do not trust. Sometimes a leader doesn't reveal all they know and they might even dress something up due to sensitive issues but integrity is buried deep in their essence. They don't look for dishonest ways to do something or how to cheat the system. Jack Welch is a modern business leader known for his integrity.

Humble. Great leaders are humble.

They do not feel they are better than anyone else. They are willing to do everything they ask their followers to do. A leader recognizes the importance of teamwork and gives credit to others. It's not their success but the team's success. They don't boast or brag and sometimes even have difficulty taking credit. Sometimes humility is incorrectly defined as weakness. Jesus, washing the feet of his disciples and other acts he did, is a great example of humility.

Knowledge. A leader must posses the knowledge required to complete their mission.

Leaders are usually avid readers, life long students, and view every situation as an opportunity to learn more. Knowledge and education are not the same. Sometimes individuals with advanced learning possess little knowledge. Knowledge is like advanced common sense. Much of it comes from life experience. A leader's knowledge could be defined as wisdom. Wisdom is not only having knowledge but knowing how to use it in the most effective way. King Solomon, in the Bible, is sometimes referred to as the wisest man ever.  His writings in the book of Proverbs are thought by some to be the best how to instruction manual ever written.

Think outside the box. Leaders know that things and life constantly change.

They know clinging to current methods and refusing to consider all possibilities prevents growth and eventually leads to stagnation. Individuals who think outside the box know their ideas are not always right therefore they seek input from others. Sometimes this leads to radical change.  People resist change especially something drastic that affects them personally. Doing things like everyone else makes you "normal". Breaking away from the status quo makes you "different". Good leaders do not follow the crowd but rather search for the best way to complete their mission.

Accept Failure. Leaders know they do not always make the right decision but that most of the time they are right.

They admit their mistakes without making excuses. Mistakes for them are opportunities to learn. They don't give-up or wallow in self pity. By admitting mistakes a leader reveals their humility. Though we want our leaders to be like super heroes, we also want them to be human.

Effective communicator. A leader can have all the above qualities but if they can not communicate with their followers it's difficult for them to lead.

Communication isn't just talking. Leaders are good listeners. They pay attention to the details, remember the important things and have the ability to say the right thing at the right time.  Communication from a good leader is positive. They give criticism if needed but don't destroy egos. Leaders know people react more favorably to praise.  They praise more and criticize less. A leader does not reveal everything they know.  They don't gossip or engage in communication that's harmful to someone else or to the mission. They limit their complaining to those who can do something about the problem. Conflict is not discouraged but rather controlled. A leader knows they will not be friends with everyone but they are friendly. The leader who practices the above principles will have the respect of their followers.

Courage. Leadership takes courage.

With courage, passion, vision, integrity and humbleness a great leader can climb mountains.  Their businesses and the people that work with them excel and greatness is attained, not for the purpose of greatness but for the accomplishment of vision and mission.  Their goal is clear and compelling and being such their teams work with them to achieve it.  Great leadership remains unchanged decade to decade, century to century, and perhaps bad leadership remains unchanged as well.  But it is with great leadership that we continue to thrive and build great companies, communities and ultimately the world.  When leaders lead with quality, organizations thrive.

Unveiling the Key Benefits of Having a Membership Site for Your Business

Table of contents

- Are you looking to enhance your business's success path?- Wondering how a membership site could benefit your entrepreneurial journey?

- Let's dive into the insights shared and explore how a membership site can be a game-changer for your business.

- So, if you're ready to explore the potential of a membership site for your business, consider the following action steps:

Are you looking to enhance your business's success path?

Wondering how a membership site could benefit your entrepreneurial journey?

In a recent episode of the "Womenpreneur's Success Path" series by Donna Price, the key benefits of having a membership site were discussed.

Let's dive into the insights shared and explore how a membership site can be a game-changer for your business.

- Continuous Profits: One of the standout benefits is the opportunity to market your offerings once and continue to profit from them. Similar to how a gym membership generates monthly revenue, a membership site offers the prospect of ongoing income without the need for constant marketing efforts. This continuity lays the foundation for sustained profitability and business growth.

- Predictable, Stable Income: By charging a monthly fee for membership access, you can establish a reliable stream of income. This stability serves as a financial cushion, allowing you to focus on expanding your business and welcoming new sales without solely relying on one-time transactions.

- Builds Loyalty: A membership program offers a unique chance to cultivate loyalty among your customer base. Whether it is a complimentary addition to a product or service or a standalone offering, a well-crafted membership site can serve as a testament to your commitment to customer satisfaction.

- Rewards Loyalty: Membership sites provide an avenue to reward the loyalty of your customers by granting them exclusive access to specialized content and perks. By incorporating tiered membership levels, you can further incentivize long-term commitment and engagement.

- Strengthens Relationships: Harnessing the power of a membership site allows you to forge and sustain enduring relationships with your customers. You can offer tailored incentives to top clients, fostering their continued patronage and advocacy for your brand.

- Value Provision: Through a membership site, you can consistently provide value to your members by sharing your expertise through various mediums such as newsletters, blogs, articles, videos, and audios. This continual act of providing enriching content bolsters member retention and turns into a reliable source of revenue.

With the foundation laid out by Donna Price, it's clear that a membership site can be a catalyst for revitalizing your business dynamics. However, the real magic happens when you tailor the concept to fit your unique business and customer base. Imagine a scenario where your customers are not just interested buyers but valued members, reaping the benefits of your exclusive community.

So, if you're ready to explore the potential of a membership site for your business, consider the following action steps:

- Assess Your Business: Evaluate your current offerings and customer base to identify the potential for a membership site. Which exclusive benefits and resources can you offer to your members?

- Create a Value-Driven Plan: Devise a plan for offering unparalleled value to your members through specialized content, perks, and ongoing engagement strategies.

- Implement Loyalty Rewards: Incorporate tiered membership levels and exclusive access to incentivize loyalty and long-term commitment from your customers.

- Sustain Engagement: Focus on methods to continuously engage with your members, ensuring that the value you provide translates into enduring relationships.

- Accelerate Your Membership Strategy: Reach out to consultants or experts in the field to brainstorm ideas and create an action plan for launching and sustaining a successful membership program.
Incorporating a membership site into your business model can redefine the way you interact with your customers and elevate your revenue streams. As you embark on this journey, remember that the key lies in consistently providing exceptional value and experiences to your members, cultivating a loyal and thriving community.

If you're genuinely motivated to transform your business dynamics and elevate your success path, it's time to embark on this remarkable journey. Let's dive into the realm of membership sites and craft an enduring legacy for your business.

5 Ways to Create Backend Income From Your Membership Site

Strategies for Increasing Income with a Membership Program

backend income strategies

Many people mistakenly believe that their membership site income only comes from the monthly subscriptions that they receive. This is far from the truth. There are several different ways that you can make backend income from your membership site. Here are some ideas to help you turn your site into a profit-pulling machine:

1. Promote affiliate offers

Affiliate marketing works really well within the membership site model because you've built up trust with your audience. They've seen your monthly content and know that you offer quality. They will trust your recommendations because you've offered good content in the past. Choose affiliate offers that tie directly into popular topics within your membership site. E-books, video courses and short reports will add value for your members and boost your backend sales. Send an e-mail article to your membership site members with good content and a link to the recommended product.

2. Sell advertising

You can charge a small fee per month to existing members or outside advertisers to display their text ads or display ads on your site or in your newsletter or solo emails. You can display advertising in the sidebars and just under the header of your membership site. Search for advertising directories to list the advertising space and add the offer to your signature file in forums that you visit. You'll start to see advertising dollars start to roll in the more you publicize the offer.

3. Offer personalized coaching

No matter how much instruction you provide inside of the membership forum, there will always be people who will want something a bit more hands on. You can offer exclusive one-on-one coaching for members who want that extra help. You can charge this as a one-time fee or as a additional monthly subscription (sort of like a membership site within a membership site). Alternatively, you can offer video calls or tele-conference calls for membership site members for a small additional fee.

4. Sell your own advanced products

There are bound to be topics within your membership site that deserve special attention. You can make backend sales by creating products around these topics and offering them to your members. For example, if you're running a membership site on weight loss you can create a special report on the best exercises to do to blast through a weight loss plateau. Offer this at a special price to your members. You can also sell the same report at a higher price to non-members to drive traffic back to your website to grow your membership.

5. Turn membership site content into individual products

Once you've built a good amount of content within your site, you can start using the content for other purposes. Package up your articles on a specific topic and sell them as a special report. You can do this with several different sections of your website to make some backend income and get new members for your website.

With one or several of these techniques you can create several streams of income from your membership site and attract new members.

Fear Gets in the Way of Repurposing?

The Secret Reason Most People Don’t Repurpose Content: Fear! Embracing Audio, Video, and Interactive Media

Content repurposing is a crucial strategy for amplifying your message across various platforms. However, there’s one hurdle that prevents many small business owners from fully leveraging their content’s full potential: fear. Whether it's anxiety about being on camera, speaking on a podcast, or tackling the tech required to create an interactive element, many people avoid mediums outside their comfort zone. Don’t let fear win. If you do, you’ll miss opportunities to connect with your audience and grow your business.

Luckily, with patience, practice, and straightforward techniques and tips, you can overcome your fear and expand to mediums that you’ve avoided up until now.

Audio: Find Your Voice

For many people, speaking publicly – even if it’s prerecorded on a podcast or audio story – is daunting. What if you forget your key points? Stumble over words or mispronounce them? What if you say something you’ll regret later?

The key to removing this fear is preparation and practice.

Start by repurposing existing content into an audio format. Choose a topic you’re comfortable with and confident speaking about. The content will be familiar, providing you with security and a safety net as you find your way.

Practice by recording yourself and playing it back so you can get used to the sound of your voice, noting things you might want to do differently but not judging yourself.

Start with something that doesn’t require a lot of production, like audio instructions or a story. Then, as audio becomes easier for you, move on to larger projects like a podcast or audiobook.

Remember: if you’re the one producing the audio segment, you can edit it – so don’t worry about getting it ‘perfect’.

Video: Embrace the Spotlight

Being on camera can be intimidating. To ease into video, start with something you know. Take written content that has performed well and transform it into a video script. Start with slides or an animated explainer video if you’re not ready to be the star of the video. If you decide to appear in the video, practice in front of a mirror and then record yourself and play it back, reviewing your performance and noting anything that you’d like to tweak in your delivery.

Once you’re ready, record multiple takes, and remember: nobody gets it right the first time or all in one take – that’s why you have editing tools!

Production and editing can also be intimidating, but there are numerous video editing tools available like Adobe Premiere or Canva’s free online video editor to make it easier. You can even use internal software on smartphones to make basic tweaks or make minor changes directly on platforms like TikTok or Instagram.

Interactive Media: Tech Doesn’t Have to Be Terrifying

Interactive media, like quizzes or games, are a great way to engage your audience. People mistakenly assume that they’re difficult to create, but if you use tools for beginners, interactive media can be a breeze. Use Typeform or Quiz Maker to create online quizzes and other interactive content quickly.

You can also develop polls and slider questions directly on social media platforms. Again, start with something simple: take content from a popular blog post and add an engaging multimedia element to your Instagram story using an interactive quiz sticker.

Transform Content in New and Exciting Ways

Remember: your audience isn’t looking for a slick Hollywood production or a high-tech video game. They want authenticity and valuable content. Take that next step to expand your reach and connect with your audience in new and exciting ways!

Want to learn more about how you can _? Head over here:

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