Saturday, August 31, 2024

Can Everyone Achieve the Flow State

Can Everyone Achieve the Flow State? Is it for Me?

flow state

The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times The best moments usually occur if a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.

Mihly Cskszentmihlyi

The flow state enables you to achieve peak performance and achieve your goals but can everyone, including you, achieve it? You want to live your best life so you need to know what to do and how to make it happen. Having goals and plans can help guide you on the path to creating your best life. Flow psychology and knowing why and how to use the flow state can help you.

Have you ever been so engrossed in a task that you've lost track of time? During that period did you find yourself pushing the boundaries of your knowledge and skills? If at the end of the task you completed a goal you had set yourself then you were, in all likelihood, in the zone (or flow). If you felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness with your success, then you will know that you were.

The Flow State

The flow state is a term coined by positive psychologist, Mihly Cskszentmihlyi. He has spent years studying people. Happiness is something that is sought by many but can seem elusive. If you feel that you aren't happy in your life, then consider what may be missing. Cskszentmihlyi asserts that it doesn't just happen but has to be created. So if you want to have more happiness in your life then you'll need to understand how to create it. It needs preparation and cultivation and setting challenges to yourself is one of the main factors.

Do you want to feel a sense of purpose in your life?

Consider what you want to achieve. It may be a personal or professional goal. Create a plan and include steps to help and guide you to its completion. You can use the flow state to help you achieve your goal as it will enable you to remove blocks that may be holding you back and to achieve more in less time. This is known as achieving peak performance and happens while you are in the zone and working on the task at hand.

Unlike hyper focus, being in the flow has no negative emotions associated with it. It is an energized and happy state where you are completely immersed in taking action. You are without any self-consciousness or doubt. By achieving a goal that you have set yourself you feel a sense of achievement and increased confidence. You will also have gained new knowledge or skills along the way. This not only provides achievement but also lessens stress levels and has been shown to boost neurochemicals that in turn boost your immune system.

If you want a sense of purpose and fulfilment, then you definitely want to utilize the flow state. Not only will you achieve goals but you will also gain the additional health benefits provided by being in the zone. It's something that can be learned and used to achieve a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. Why wouldn't you want that?

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