Friday, August 03, 2007

Are you laughing at work?

I was at a networking meeting last night with a group of women in business. It's a fun, high energy networking group called Are You a B-Girl?. Well, last night the theme was how serious we each are in our work. Children laugh throughout their day, maybe 100 or 200 times each day. As a parent of a three year old and five year old I find that is really true. They laugh alot and we laugh alot together. But adults on average laugh 10 or less times each day. Wow, what a difference.

I know as a coach I talk with clients about life balance. And, I talk about play. It's something that I have had to consiously work at myself lately. It definitely is challenging parenting, running a business, being a significant other, a family member and all of the different roles we each have in our lives. One of my intentions is to create a life that includes play and laughter and is balanced. The question at the the networking meeting about serious we each are was another opportunity to look at how I am doing. Am I living my passion? Am I creating the lifestyle that I intend?

My evaluation of myself is that I have to continue to focus on being intentional. I am creating the business of my dreams, doing great work and constantly learning and expanding. I am playing and laughing alot this summer. Swimming and beaching and taking time off. BUT, I am not laughing enough at "work". That will be my new focus -- being sure that I'm not too serious at "work".

What about you? Do you laugh at work? Are you passionate about the work that you are doing? Do you love going to work or are you dreading it?

Be intentional in how you create your work and figure out how to include play and laughter.

All the best,

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