Voice Mail Messenger Services:
Now you can increase the number of sales calls made each day. Bypass cold calling and get people calling YOU. When you leave a voice mail message.... people are more likely to listen to your message AND make a return call.
Want to increase the ## of calls you can make in a day??
Innovative New Calling Service
How many voice mail messages do you ignore on your phone? Now, you can leave a message without ever calling the phone. People listen and with the right message -->> they are calling YOU back! Now, you can make a hundred calls in a day, actually in a few seconds, or you can make 200 or 300. Limitations based on how many calls back you can handle in one day.

Our Voice Mail Messenger service provides a ringless voicemail message to your prospect, client or customer or a client that you haven't seen in a while.
Now you can use a service that gets your message to your prospect, quickly, easily and unobtrusively.
Ways you might use Voice Mail Messenger:
- Reactivate former clients -- leave your service clients a message from you, the owner, that sounds personal and interested in them.
- Invite prospects to an event.
- Ideal for service professionals -->> accountants, auto dealers, landscapers, coaches/consultants....
- Send a special holiday message to your valued customers.
- Leave a friendly tip on your customers voice mail.
- Ideal for reaching out to prospects or customers.
- Talk to the people that WANT to talk to you.
Set up is equally easy. Complete the contact form below:
[contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Business Type' type='text'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]
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