Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Build Customer Loyalty Through Your Marketing

build customer loyaltyBuilding Customer Loyalty is Challenging!!

If you are a dog owner, you know loyalty.  I know that my dog is totally loyal.  Yes, she loves meeting other people, but it is me that she sleeps next to, me that she talks to when she wants to eat, and me that she dances for when I pick up a leash.

So, how do you build that customer loyalty?

It is a relationship like all others.  But it seems easier!

Let's take a look:

1. Attention: most of us dog lovers pay attention to our dogs.  We pet them, walk them, run with them, and rough house.

2. Feed them: every day, maybe more than once, we feed them.  Possibly give them some snacks along the way.

3. Take care of: we take care of them. If they are hurting we try to fix it, we take them to the vet, get medication etc.

So how do we do that with our business.

Attention -- pay attention to your customers, your prospects, your contacts, connect with them, contact them.... be attentive!! Be authentic and be real in who YOU are.

Feed them -- Share information with them, send them valuable information for their business. Give them what they need, not what YOU want.  Information is valuable and giving them something of value in your marketing attracts those potential customers to you. Continue doing that after they become customers to continue building loyalty.

Take care of them -- solve their problems.  Provide excellent customer service, care and attention. Be user friendly. Be accessible.  Have a plan.

We can build customer loyalty when we take the time to do so.

Interaction matters for business success!

Build Your Customer Loyalty -- Provide support!

People often need support with a product or service that they purchase, and any respectable seller or re-seller ought to be able to provide assistance. Many businesses have made it a common practice to create support email addresses and 800 numbers in order to build and maintain trust in their company. Professional customer support represents one great marketing advertising business strategy you should not overlook. But it is critical that you are quickly responsive. Do NOT delay your response. Addressing issues quickly is part of the support success equation.

All of the above are just examples of tactics that can help win over customers and build loyalties yet, lots of other things can be done to support business development in general.

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