The Basics of Good Copy Writing

Writing good copy is a skill that many people should learn, regardless of whether they actually want to be a copywriter or not. If you send a lot of emails then these same skills and tactics apply to you as well.
The following list is a quick overview of what it takes to write good copy.
Five Strategies for Good Copy Writing!!
- Understanding your target audience - it is much easier to write to someone when you have a little background on them. You should try and come up with a mental or written image of who your target audience is. What their age is, where they live and their average income, plus their likes and dislikes.
You always want to know the answers to these two questions.
1--Why should your customer buy this product and
2-- What's in it for them?
Another way to phrase this is:
1--What is the pain that your target customer HAS that they DO NOT Want?
2--What is the SOLUTION that YOU offer that solves that pain?
Try to find a way to make your copy stand out from others. Look for similar sales pages and look for an angle or hook that is different. But always, make sure your copy is speaking to YOUR audience.
Have a specific purpose to your copy - yes you want customers to buy. But think about helping to solve problems by offering solutions. Tell stories, evoke emotion, get your reader to connect to the problem and the solution.
2. Take the time to write a good headline - if your headline is weak the customer will most likely not read all the way through on your sales page. If you are writing emails then this section pertains to your subject line. Give your reader a good reason to open your email. Here is an example of when good copy writing is critical. Without a good headline or subject -- you will not get the rest of your copy read.
3. Use headings and sub headings - these help to first break up your copy but they also help to highlight the benefits of the product. Remember that 'what's in it for me?' question.
4. Avoid using filler or fluffy words - don't use words such as maybe, hope, wish, try could and perhaps. Instead you want to create concise sentences that are short and contain words such as will and can.
Always write your copy in the present tense. Instead of saying 'was chosen' use the word 'received'. Using the present tense really helps to add strength to your entire copy.
5. Use testimonials or customer quotes - this really helps to add proof to your copy and if possible try to include a photo of the person. If you can make these people seem real to your potential customers, the better your copy will convert. It also helps to add where the person lives by city or state, always get permission first before adding testimonials.
Once your copy is finished always read it out loud. Either you can do this or have someone else read it for you. When you read your copy if you stumble over a section, go back and edit it. If someone else reads it see if they are compelled to purchase it, if not, tweak it!
By applying these basic concepts to each piece of copy you right you should have no trouble in converting readers into customers.

Check out our email marketing for profits course that includes copy writing.
The course will give you more training on writing copy that converts. It is only worth spending your valuable time writing your own copy if you can write copy that converts your prospect to your customer!!
Otherwise, you are wasting your time and losing money.
Copy writing done right can be the success of your business.
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