Saturday, October 12, 2024

Repurposing Formats to Increase Your Audience

repurposing formats

Table of contents

- Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!
- Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles
- Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats
- Repurpose Your Content!!
- Monitor Results

Repurposing Formats can be the answer to: The Top Reason People Ignore Your Content!!

Do you find yourself spending hours researching and creating content and when it finally goes live nothing?

You have created engaging material about topics your audience cares about, but the likes, shares, or comments are underwhelming.

The problem is not always the quality of the material itself, but it could be the format.

Do you understand WHERE your audience consumes their info?

Repurposing Formats can Accommodate Various Learning Styles

People have different learning styles and preferred ways of consuming content. So, you need to look at how to accommodate that!!

Written: Written content including articles, eBooks, and blog posts appeals to people who prefer reading and have strong comprehension skills. Written content gives people the freedom to take in information at their own pace and easily refer back to sections they want to review.

Visual: Visual content like charts, diagrams, infographics, and videos appeal to learners who process information visually. For them, pictures and graphics make complex information more digestible, accessible, and memorable.

Audio: Audio content includes audiobooks, lectures, and podcasts, and it suits learners who take in information by listening. Its also useful for people who like to multi-task, tuning in while exercising or commuting.

Analyze Your Content When Considering Repurposing Formats

Quickly review the last 10-15 pieces of content you have created. What percentage of your content is written, visual, video, or audio?

Lets say the majority of your marketing content is written, for example, blog posts, social posts, reports, eBooks etc. Various studies have shown that up to 65% of the general population are visual learners. If you do not accommodate this segment of your audience, you could end up losing them.

The solution?

Repurpose Your Content!!

Repurposing allows you to connect with more people, using content they enjoy consuming, across various platforms.

Repurposing is not simply about recycling content. Its about strategically transforming your content to cater to your audience and the different ways they consume content and learn. For example, you could transform a long-form blog post into an infographic, explainer video, or podcast episode, reaching your visual or auditory learners.

You can also repurpose to incorporate all mediums and learning styles, making sure each type is represented: written (a social post), visual (an infographic), and auditory (a podcast episode). Or, when you repurpose, combine 2 or more mediums in one piece, for example, add an infographic and audio snippet to a blog post.

Monitor Results

After you repurpose, monitor your engagement metrics: Which formats are getting more likes, shares, and comments? Are certain types of content driving more traffic to your website? Asking these questions will allow you to know your audience better and adjust your repurposing strategy as needed.

Learn more with my Content Repurposing Guide:

Want to connect with a broader audience through repurposing? Check out my course, Repurposing which teaches you the A to Z.

This guide will give you Quick Tips for creating a content marketing strategy.

Using your content only once is cumbersome. It means that you are constantly creating new content. But when you repurpose your content, then you are able to maximize its reach and its power.

Check it Out

Content Repurposing is central to an effective Content Marketing Strategy.

Can content be a marketing strategy? YES!! Definitely! Content educates your prospect, your leads about YOU, your organization and what you have to offer. It is a pre-seller to your services.

Content Repurposing Workshop

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