Saturday, October 12, 2024

Values Alignment


As a leader, the values of the organization need to be a focus.  When you lead to your values, then you are walking your talk, practicing what you preach, and living those values.

Values Alignment Check

Doing a periodic values check is important. Are we in alignment with the values of the organization?  Do the values we have outlined still fit the organization? And, what do we need to do to be in alignment with the values of the organization?

Here at Compass Rose Consulting, we just recently been looking at our own values. But values alignment is something that has been important to me for a long time. It was included in my first business development program: Business Builders Intensive and is still a part of Business Growth CORE in the Womenpreneur's Resource Center.  It is important to look at.

When you are out of alignment with your values -- your staff notice and your customers notice.   Something doesn't feel right. They know it and it impacts them.

Our values alignment evaluation looks at:

What is the value? Name it:

How is it practiced across the organization?

For instance, I worked with an organization that worked with youth and taught that you needed to get a college education so that you would be fairly paid. And we hired people with college degrees to work with the youth. BUT, we did not pay a fair wage for the work done.  The values were out of alignment with the practice. I successfully changed that practice or at least improved it.

values alignment

When you do the values alignment, you are going through each value and making sure that you are walking your talk and practicing the value in all that you do.

Take a look at your values and how they are working in your business. Is there something that you need to shift or change?  Is there a way to practice them better?

Leave me your thoughts below and let me know how your business is doing on it's values alignment.

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